How to remove an unpleasant feeling when you see that your former happier you


Instead of suffering, a former dear person decided to please you with a satisfied smile? And his satisfied face is too often fascinated before his eyes, than pretty spoils the mood? Definitely, you need to do something.

Why he is actually happy

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Photo by daniel monteiro on unsplash

And let's think! Maybe his life, of course, and Pepit with joyful meetings, which he is unable not to lay out on social networks. Or maybe he does it specifically. Of course, we will not know the answer. But what exactly is that even a person who is saddened, can smile from time to time. Of course, he will not be in consciousness, lay out photos of his sadness. So the smile in the photo still does not say anything.

We remove the happy ex-one

We exclude what the most information comes from. If these are social networks, then unsubscribe from it or some time do not go there at all. If the common friends who lack the feeling of tact, and they often have a topic about him often, then they will have to part with them for a while.

Friends, friends

See him walking at night with friends. Yes, and this is not an indicator of happiness. You, by the way, also so as not to miss, it is useful to walk with friends and have fun. Do not forget to do it! If you wish, read here what to do if I threw the guy. So, it is quite possible, he has a period of rehabilitation after a gap, and not a fun pastime.

Good memories

The treacherously operates your memory after breaking the relationship. Instead of reminding the cause of parting or why the person is not enough you, it begins to reproduce the best moments of relationships. Thank you, but not worth it! Therefore, remember that your memories are selective, this is a feature of memory.

Stop thinking about him, think about yourself

If he is so pleased, why are you not? Add more positive in your life. Friends, close people, comedies, the dancing of African Aboriginal - the most faithful assistants.

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Photo by Gustavo Spindula on Unsplash

Wait, and what you have with self-esteem

Why is it so worried about his happiness? He is happy, and you suffer! And do you unworthy of attention and love. And why do you need a person who does not understand what makes you hurts with his demonstration of a happy life or does it make it intentionally? It seems that you did the right thing that broke up! Just do not forget to appreciate yourself, not the relationship that they were before.

Smaller memories and attention to the former. You have you, if you remember! And who is precious to you, relative and the lovedness of everyone? Tip: The answer begins on the letter "I" and consists of one letter. That's about that man and you need to think!

Publication of the site-primary source Amelia.

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