3 thousand trees and shrubs: how "lamey" Grodno with the arrival of heat


Weather forecasters persistently promise frosts, blizzards and snow with rain, but the calendar reminds everyone who has come fired - spring if it has not already come, then the threshold itself. The air temperature is already warmer, and the twitter birds are louder. And this means that soon gray landscapes will green, everything will start blossoming and the city is swollen in the riot of paints. But in the conditions of urban infrastructure, most of the blooming beauty have to bring human hands. And in the greenhouses of the enterprise "Grodnoselenstroy" is already actively preparing for landing on the city flower beds, the blooming landslide. What it will be - recognized our shooting group.

3 thousand trees and shrubs: how

While one loosely shows tiny leaves from under the ground in separate so-called "cassettes", others grow up with a truly tropical luxury. But at one time everyone will be ready to become part of a huge exposition and decorate city parks, flower beds, flower beds, surrounding territories. The order of half a million floral seedlings will flourish the city - as soon as the weather becomes a little more stable and warm, writes "Grodno Plus"

Nadezhda Surovets, Master of the enterprise "Grodnikolenstroy":

- We are waiting for the day on the day of the start of planting trees and shrubs - we plan to land about 3,000 trees and more than 3,000 shrubs. The planting season will be a little later, somewhere since May, depends on weather conditions. The range is actually tested. Sometimes we try to disembark some plants, but to see, go or not, how they will feel on our flower beds.

This year will cost without exotic and unexpected inhabitants of the flower. The Belarusian climate is still unpredictable and not for capricious, including plants. The first, oddly enough, in the city they will go gentle glance, but the characteristic of pansies. Behind them pull up the rest - according to the schedule and its forces. In the meantime, seedlings in different degrees of readiness lives in cozy for her the greenhouses of the enterprise "Grodnikolenstroy".

3 thousand trees and shrubs: how

Iolanta Boudoilo, Correspondent:

- Here, in these greenhouses, the optimal level of temperature, humidity and lighting is maintained, if necessary, even additional lighting. Everything so that weak sprouts will have forces and have already got fastened to Grodno Klumba. If you look closely, the tiny sprouts of Salvia flower are already visible. And here it is already quite cheerful green antigua orange - this is well known for their bright color and velvet flavor.

And with them more Petunias, Ageratum, Begonias, Izezenne - and even though the names are familiar and not understandable, but they saw them in the flower beds for sure. To significant dates and great holidays. They promised to "Zelenstroe", also delight suitable floral compositions. It will not work without surprises, but they don't want to talk about it - surprise. Lukovichny, that is, for example, tulips, already from late autumn in the ground and are waiting for their own hours to bloom and build grodnants that spring has already fully entered their rights.

3 thousand trees and shrubs: how

Nadezhda Surovets, Master of the enterprise "Grodnikolenstroy":

- Preparation of seedlings begins from January, and some plants begin to shine already in the previous season. To preserve the Musicians for the winter so that in the spring it was that plant. We replace, if something has been dropping away, but mostly replacing bulbous, texts that we land mostly, maintain decorativeness all season.

In the new neighborhoods, however, while the development of flower beds and flower beds is planned, but everyone can be a little landscape designer and put some unpretentious flowers at home. Care with them will be a little, but pleasure and joy will bring - for the whole summer.

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