In GGGI commented on the information about the lawlessness of public utilities in Kaluga

In GGGI commented on the information about the lawlessness of public utilities in Kaluga 11303_1

As we wrote earlier, Sergey Portnov, director of one of Kaluga managers, serving several houses on Khrustal Street, was addressed to the editor. Portnov argues that a number of the Criminal Code of the regional center are illegally transferred to their homes under the management of its organization. For this, they, according to Portorov, taking advantage of the support of local officials, are not neglected even with mass fake by residents.

The head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Kaluga Region, Alexey Dulishkovich, told the "Kaluga news" that with the situation in the Criminal Code, "the factory" sign, but what is happening is already outside of its authority.

"Only I can not influence it, the situation has entered the plane of the authority of the court and law enforcement agencies," said the chief of Kaluga GGA.

In addition, Dulishkovich told us that, reacting to the appeal of Portorov, a copy of this appeal housing inspection sent to the police to take measures. Also, according to the official, the Director of the Criminal Code explained the authority of GGGA and the right to appeal to the court.

"As far as I know, law enforcement officers are tested. The situation is exclusively in the legal field, at least as part of the authority of GGG.

At the same time, in the investigative committee, there is a material in relation to people who act in the interests of Portorov and its Criminal Code, where they "sank" to threats regarding the initiator of the meeting, hacking her mail, etc. (I redirected the applicant, therefore heard the version Alternative).

So the situation is absolutely ambiguous here ... Why do you need portwind this excitement? He is well aware of the ways to solve the issue within the legal field, his lawyers are engaged in this, there is a trial.

Gezhi, as the supervisory authority, does not fall on any direction, all its powers to test the disputed protocol used, the question of recognition of the Protocol in force or illegal can only solve the court, the question of the availability of either the absence of falsification of ballots for voting - internal affairs bodies, told KN Alexey Dulishkovich.

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