How to make friends with the daughter-in-law: five useful tips for mother-in-law


When the son marries, most of his parents are glad to such an event - now an adult young man in a safe hand of a young wife, you can soon grandchildren will be happy. And here is the wedding behind, the young came from the wedding travel and the usual family weekdays began, which are often complicated if two generations live together.

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And very soon it turns out that the relationship between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law does not add up. Most often, the reason is in mom's young husband who does not want or knows how to find a common language with another, younger woman in the house. The reason may be banal jealousy, dislike caused by the behavior of daughter-in-law.

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But it will have to live further, so you need to look for the way to normalize relations. Psychologists allocate 6 main mistakes in the mother-in-law, avoiding which one can become with his son's wife in supreme people.

Call me just "Mom"

Previously, regardless of the relationship between my motherland, the latter was forced to be called her husband's parent. Now it happens quite rarely and do not require this from, in fact, someone else's daughter. Many modern women restrained on emotions and are rarely frank with close people.

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Forget about calls, valuable tips and security control

Often, the mother-in-law sin with an excess of instructions, as a young wife should care for her son, call without serious need, control where and what a woman does. It is very annoying and can even lead to a real enmity. Such behavior of the mother substitutes her son, shows that he is a non-promotional person, he needs a nannik, which humiliates him in his eyes.

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In addition, some mother-in-law do not understand that their desire to give advice, to help in everyday life, the boundaries of reasonable and becomes obsessive control of each step of a young wife. In the end, the mind is just running away far away, and her husband is behind her.

Manifestations of maternal jealousy

Many mothers believe that jealousy is a manifestation of love. In fact, this is an indicator of egoism. When the mother-in-law in the face of the daughter-in-law sees a rival, it leads to negativism on her part. Mom should still have to convince himself during the wedding that the marriage went goodbye to his son that he was happy that the atmosphere of love and consent between them.

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Permanent criticism

I do not like anyone when it is constantly criticized when only mistakes catch in his actions. Watching a young mistress, the mother-in-law is constantly grumbling, showing all his appearance that everything she does not do as it should. As a result, the mind begins to hate her husband's mother and tries not to communicate with her.

Conflicts on the soil of raising grandchildren

Become a grandmother, the mother-in-law is usually humbled with the presence of daughter-in-law in life, but begins to plant their experience in the care and education of children. Or in general it becomes on let the full connivance, then grandchildren love grandmother, and with a strict mom conflict, in the end, become uncontrollable.

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Even with limitless love for grandchildren, they can not be allowed to go on their desires.

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