How to get rid of moths in the apartment? - 8 effective methods and prevention


Unfortunately, on a par with people in homes and apartments, not only pets can live, but also absolutely uninvited guests. One of these pests is the usual mole. What will help get rid of moli at home and how to make it most effectively?

What does mole look like?

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About 15,000 night butterflies live in nature, but only some of them live in our homes:

Hard or wool;

fur coat;







Externally, all types of homemoi resemble small butterflies: when their wings in a folded position, insects are quite narrow, like a tube.

Often in the house you can see street gray moths, but they are safe for home - here they do not eat anything, usually just fly to light through open windows.

So, to get rid of moths in the apartment, we define what kind of type it belongs:

Fur coat. Brilliant golden top wings with dark dots, bottom - unsightly gray. In the scope of the wings reach 1.5 cm. The larvae is small, almost transparent, live in fur products (fur coats, coats, vests, hats).

Handling. Flying individuals are larger than the previous species (slightly more than 2 cm), the wings are sandy-brown, at the base can cast a purple subtock. Transparent caterpillars with short urban. Lives in natural wool - it can easily spoil sweaters, vests, hats, scarves.

How to get rid of moths in the apartment? - 8 effective methods and prevention 1129_1

Furniture. If you find houses of light yellow butterflies whose wings have a silver tint. Or saw on the bottom of the chair / chair or other upholstered furniture pending eggs or empty cocoons - know, your furniture is already eaten from the inside.

Food. Mine parasites, up to 1 cm long, come in food reserves (dried fruits, nuts, cereals, flour, sugar). The wings on top are light, from the middle to the bottom have horizontal dark brown stripes or just darken to the ends. The offspring is petty: white caterpillars with dark heads.

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The main signs showing that pests began in the house:

Flying butterflies. The easiest way to see them in the evening (mole does not like sunlight). If at least one female or male found, most likely there are no offspring somewhere. See a couple of insects regularly? Start take action as soon as possible!

Larvae. Saw in a container with flour in the kitchen of white caterpillars or removed from a beloved sweater from a transparent larva? You should carefully check all the contents of boxes and cabinets. And infected items are best packaged in a dense polyethylene package and throw away.

Important! The main damage is applied precisely larvae: therefore the chances of getting rid of pests, simply having fluttered flying adult individuals - extremely low.

What makes mole?

There are 3 main ways of moths in the apartment:

Through the window. Since there are no night butterflies exactly as ordinary moths - they often fly to light burning in homes, and stay in them to live.

Through ventilation. If the mole started at the neighbors, the likelihood is that it will arrive at you.

With a person. Most often, the tenants themselves bring butterflies or larvae on their clothes, in banks and bags with provisions.

Features of the fight by type of insects

Since all kinds of moths still belong to one family, ways to deal with pests are similar. Therefore, we will not disassemble the process of destroying each subspecies separately, but we divide the entire 2 classes: the wool (feeds from fur, wool, natural fabrics, upholstery, furniture filler, carpet pile) and food (dangerous for food).

Look at the selection of tips for rapid cleaning.

Clothes moth

The fight against the mole in the wardrobe is beginning with general cleaning:

clothes need to get

decompose in the sun (or bring to the frost),

And the cabinet inside is thoroughly washed.

Important! Treat one compartment is not enough if the wardrobe is large - inspect, beat and wash each shelf, drawer, hard-to-reach corner.

Things on which larvae are found, after sunny baths, be sure to push in water with the maximum allowable temperature for tissue. If the mole is furniture - a sofa, a chair or chair should be passed into a dry cleaning (or call specialists to the house).

Tip! So that the mole does not start, hang clothes on cedar shoulders - insects scares the smell of this tree.

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Food mole

Read also what is better: packing or container?

To remove mole from food is not so simple, the most effective method is to utilize all reserves of bulk products (croup, dried fruits, nuts). And further use the decanting method: to store purchased food is not in bags, but to sleep in plastic, tin or glass containers with dense lids.

If you throw away the entire provision, the hand does not rise, beat the kitchen reserves: in those where the larvae are found - throw it out. The rest are enough just to push and periodically check for the appearance of caterpillars.

Important! After sorting, swipe wet cleaning with a detergent, after completing wipe the insides of the cabinets with a wet clean cloth with vinegar.

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Folk ways of struggle

You can get rid of pray in the house with the help of folk remedies for the fight against insects: they are more environmentally friendly, safely, at the same time no less effective.

Room Flowers

Read also plants for the kitchen

Many grandmothers are not good on the window sill in the kitchen lives geranium. A sharp natural smell of leaves and flowers of Pelargonia scares the moths: they prefer not to fly into such apartments.

No less effective lavender, wormwood. Herbs can be both grown on the window and collect bouquets or aromasasha from dried.

Lavender essential oil not only represents the danger to butterflies, but also works as an antidepressant for people. As a rule, the smell of these lilac flowers like most people.

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As it is clear from past actions, the fixed assets from molia are based on the smell. And spices - no exception. In jars with croups it is better to add fragrant laurel leaves, clove buds, rosemary twigs or garlic heads. The taste of products after cooking such additives will not affect, but will help to destroy pests.


This method also used our grandmothers to get rid of moth larvae: they stored in wardrobes ... fragrant or economic soap. The first effectively as the prevention of the appearance of moth (it is better to choose lavender lumps), it also serves as an aroma for clothing. The second contributes to the death of already appearing larvae or eggs.

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How to get rid of professional funds?

If their favorite sweatshirt is already noticeable, it is not necessary to grow geranium. There is simply no time: you need to look for a solution in the store. Professional chemicals associated with prophylactic measures will help get rid of moths in your apartment forever.


Sprays are suitable for processing rooms, individual things, furniture items. Helps to fight any kind of moths, act instantly.

Of the minuses of aerosols, it is possible to note a strong smell: processing them should be carried out according to the instructions, in a protective respiratory mask and glasses. After the end of the active spraying, the room is left closed for 1-3 hours. After regularly venturing for several days. Separate items (furniture, clothing) It is better to handle outdoors (street, balcony) and leave outside the apartment until the weathered of the caustic smell.

Sprayers There are quite a lot, we chose Top-3 with the highest rating:

Arous expert,



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How to get rid of moths in the apartment? - 8 effective methods and prevention 1129_8


Special pills from moths work approximately as soap: damage in insects with a strong constant smell. Put the tablet on the shelf in the closet or leave in the closed box of the chest, and your woolen things or favorite fur coat will damage.

Tablets are mostly produced with the smell of lavender - so their fragrance is absolutely not dangerous for a person. Although, you need to admit that it dispends not quickly and like not everyone.

Tip! To protect the fur coat for seasonal storage, put on one tablet in your pockets and hide the product into a special case.


If too strong smell acts not only on insects, but also on you, choose the heat imaging: most plates have a barely intact or indistinguishable aroma, while the active substance (insecticide transflutrine) quickly applies around the apartment, settles on furniture and things, protecting them from pests for 3-4 months. Adults will not be able to multiply, and already pending eggs or larvae simply die.

Fumigators are well suited to people who prefer to sleep with open windows, while do not have protective mosquito nets.

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The trap is ineffective by itself, but has an indisputable additional action. The fact is that sticky traps can catch exclusively adult males (stickers are impregnated with females pheromones). As first, leads to a reduction in the population of flying individuals, and secondly reduces the chances of reproduction.

It should be placed in the storage locations, flour, sugar - kitchen cabinets or boxes. Change as "filling" - from once a few days, up to several weeks.


Act on the principle of the same repulsive smell. But unlike pills or plates, the sections exclude a person's contact with a repellent - therefore, it is perfectly suitable for allergic or families with small curious children, animals.

A small plastic box is attached anywhere (usually inside the cabinet / chest), closer to warm woolen, fur. Thanks to the sections, the mole does not postpone the larvae, and already pending simply die.

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How to get rid of moths in the apartment? - 8 effective methods and prevention 1129_11

Prevention of appearance

Take preventive measures is always easier than to get rid of the consequences of the pests that have appeared. Therefore:

Regularly "shake" clothes, wipe the shelves, drawers where it is stored.

Treat winter things before removing them for seasonal storage.

Keep kitchen cabinets clean, clean the wakewicked cereals in time, crumbs.

Scroll purchased bulk products into sealed containers.

On time, get rid of old clothes, overdue products.

Do not keep your wear clothes where it is clean, deposited.

Spread the plates, tablets, soap, aromasasha, spices, cedar balls or hangers on the cabinets.

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Start take action as soon as notice the first signs of the presence of moth: so chances to bring insects quickly and without losses for the family budget is much higher.

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