What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger


Show "Who wants to become a millionaire?" Few people really brought winnings in a million, which cannot be said about the main leading program, Dmitry Dibrov. Fame came to him just due to its unique manner to lead tele-ester and high erudition, more than once the knowledge of the star guests themselves. In addition, Dibrov has been engaged in journalism, music and movies for many years, which indicates the multi-faceted creative personality. Where does the famous leader live and what does his home look like?

What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_1
Dmitry Dibrov with a young wife. Photo from open access

An intelligent and solid man began to adhere to the same style when choosing a place to stay - his mansion is not shot by luxury, it does not find the staple gilding or unnecessary baubles. Now, together with him, there is only the fourth wife Polina awards and three of their joint sons: Alexander, Ilya and Fedor, while previous spouses with children from Dibrova are only visiting.

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Dmitry Dibrova family. Photo from open access

But for a large family and secular life, it was still necessary to choose the volume space closer to nature. So the choice fell on the villa "Polina", which is located in the village of Assumption Polyana not far from Moscow. The total area of ​​the residential building is 1100 square meters.

What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_3
Entry to the site of the house Dmitry Dibrova. Photo from open access
What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_4
General view of the house Dmitry Dibrova. Photo from open access

Over the interior worked modern designers, disassembled in the technologies of the Smart House - Dmitry and his wife decided that such innovations would be very useful if there were three boys in the family. For children, they created a special zone (allocated them a whole second floor) and prepared a huge playground. Spouse Dibrova herself chose bright colors for the walls and furniture of children's rooms, insisted that they had both educational games and all sorts of chases for pranks.

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Children's zone in the house of Dmitry Dibrova. Photos from open sources

The third floor is assigned a pair - on one side you can go to the common bedroom of the spouses, find the workshop and the working office of Dibrova, several sofas for recreation. It is here who spends most of his day Dmitry in thought, work or creativity.

What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_6
The zone on the third floor. Photos from open sources
What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_7
Bathroom in mansard. Photo from open access
What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_8
Working studio in the attic. Photo from open access

But he also really like the first floor, where you can find a common kitchen with a dining room and a spacious living room where a luxurious Yamaha piano is banging. It plays in the evenings just the head of the family.

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Living room in the house. Photo from open access
What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_10
Piano in the living room. Photos from open sources
What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_11
Fireplace living room. Photos from open sources
What does the luxurious mansion of Dmitry Dibrova look like, where he lives with the 4th wife for 30 years younger 11265_12
Kitchen. Photo from open access

Near the house you can also find a small but cozy summer kitchen and an elegant fountain. Also in the yard there is a garage for a personal car, and a spa extension with a pool and sauna.

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Indoor pool in the yard. Photo from open access

In total, such a luxurious country house cost a family of 55 million rubles, and this is only for the walls - furniture and technologies were not included in the basic value.

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