The child offends animals: what to do?


Many believe that the abuse of children in relation to animals is simply unacceptable. Of course, to watch this spectacle is unpleasant to anyone. What caused the attitude of children to pets - ordinary curiosity and

To experiment or cruelty, developing from childhood?

The mockery appeal to the animals as the parties of adults and children is not the norm. Therefore, the parents should not be ignored by this problem, and they simply have to help your child cope with it.

The child offends animals: what to do? 1126_1

Causes of cruel treatment of children to "younger brothers"

  1. For each child, adults are great authority, and if they allow themselves to be violence, then children will imitate them to imitate. Perhaps the child accidentally became a victim or witness to ill-treatment. Similar animal handling is an explicit signal of the presence of violence surrounded by a child.
  2. Curiosity. As a rule, such kids have problems with the psyche.
  3. Manifestation of cruelty to animals under pressure of peers.
  4. Boredom, depression, lack of any hobbies.
  5. Emotional violence tool, i.e., in this way, the child is trying to cause moral pain to the owner of the animal. Also: whether to allow the child to sleep along with a pet or it is dangerous

What measures to take

To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to determine what type of "cruelty" refers to a child.

1-6 years old

As a rule, children at such age have not yet fully realized that not only people, but also animals may experience pain. They do not understand that pets are not a toy, because they still have no experience in care for them.

6-12 years old

The child already understands that it is impossible to mock the animals. However, he is most likely there are big problems with psychological development.

In this situation, no specialists do not do. Often, psychological disorder is developing against the background of problems in the home environment. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the solution to solve the problem comprehensively, attracting parents.

Over 12 years old

In this case, the child's involvement in other asocial groups (crime, drug addiction) is obvious. Perhaps he does not know how to take himself, and wants to rule over someone or establish control over another being.

The child offends animals: what to do? 1126_2

In such a situation, professional assistance will also need. Moreover, in solving the problem, it is necessary to attract not only a child, but also his parents, teachers, best friends.

It should be understood that the love of children towards animals is being taken from early years. Therefore, try to explain to them that they need to treat them with care and attention, carefully observe their lives, help them and protect them.

If a pet lives in your house, teach my child carefully to contact him, not to wrap and not pinch him, and gently ironing so that he liked it.

The child offends animals: what to do? 1126_3

For clarity, you can use your own example. Explain that the frightened animal is extremely dangerous for him, and may cause him pain. Also tell the child, what the movements of the body of the animal (ruging, cramped tail or rumbling from pleasure) are talking about.

Very useful will be joint walks with the child and watching animals, both in the natural environment and in the zoo.

Try to tell the baby more often about the life of animals, their habitats, habits. Look together the documentary. All this will help you grow an eapinant, kind and caring person.

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