Color sellers complain that the rent in front of March 8 has risen in price in more than five times


In Grodno this year, the rental of the trading place "on the tile" near the stop "Bus station" has risen in price more than 5 times. Last year, the rent for a week before March 8, the cost was 25 rubles, and in this housing and communal services "charged" 135 rubles. And this is a plot of 3 m.KV. Entrepreneur Alexander told how he tried to achieve truth, and provided


Official responses of local authorities.

- Last year, by March 8, entrepreneurs concluded contracts with Grodno city utilities and distributed places among themselves. Everything is in order to sell colors to the holidays. They paid for about 25 rubles over the entire period. This year, we also issued contracts, we decided on the scheme. But later it turned out that 135 rubles need to pay. We explained that this is justified by the cost of maintaining the territory. And what are the costs there? Clean snow? But there is no longer on the bus station. And by the end of the trade, each seller garbage removes. My colleagues with colleagues wrote an electronic circulation in the city executive committee, but the reverse reaction has not yet been followed, "the seller told the seller.

"Many will not have time to congratulate colleagues and loved ones"

Alexander this year wanted to open 2 outlets, but not sure it is profitable.

- I will pay 270 rubles for rent, salaries to the seller and the tax for the employee. And tulips are such a thing that you will not postpone into the garage. We will have to throw out the remnants in the trash. It is a pity that the flowers are already ordered.

In addition, according to the seller of colors, rental entrepreneurs prolong until March 8 inclusive, and the 9th is prohibited to trade.

- But many will not have time to congratulate their loved ones and colleagues on time. Will want to buy flowers for the ninth of March. We were just able to implement the remnants, "Alexander complains.

The decision taken by the City Executive Committee

In the Grodno city utilities, the correspondent answered that the decision was made by the city executive committee.

- Rental value installed. And how much is one bouquet? 10 rubles. By March 8 will be even more expensive. Sorry, I do not have the right to give an interview without permission. Goodbye, "Alexander Alekseevich answered Karpovich, chief engineer.

In the city executive committee refused to comment.

We called the Department of Trade and Services of the Grodno City Executive Committee. Deputy Head of Management, Yanina Stanislavovna Poznenevskaya, comment on the phone refused. But I answered that the appeals at the cost of renting in the Office did not come.

Color sellers complain that the rent in front of March 8 has risen in price in more than five times 11255_1

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