Awakening period. How to care for raspberry early spring


    Good afternoon, my reader. Spring - troublesome for gardeners. Many plants at this time need special care, to subsequently worry a warm season and bring a rich harvest. These cultures include raspberries. We tell how to succeed in the early care of this fruit shrub, share useful mulching tips, treatment of raspberries.

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    Awakening period. How to care for raspberry in early spring nelya

    The raspberry bushes awakened after a long winter require regular irrigation. This culture does not tolerate dry periods, since the most important part of the raspberry root system is located in the upper layers of the soil. The bush is most abundantly watering in periods of flowering, active growth and ripening of fruits.

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    Awakening period. How to care for raspberry in early spring nelya

    When drawing up a graphic of irrigation worth considering the weather conditions - in cloudy rainy days, the ground is not necessary, in solar dry periods to water berry bushes should be abundantly and often.

    If the shrub got all the necessary substances with fertilizers made to the soil in the fall, the raspberry can be left without feeding until the start of flowering. Otherwise, it is worth making fertilizers immediately after the awakening of the plant. The next portion of fertilizers in the soil should be made in the second half of May during the rapid blossom of shoots.

    Raspberry may suffer from lack of nitrogen, so complex nitrogen-containing fertilizers will become excellent feeding for this culture - the substances contained in them will help shrubs to form a lot of obscenities and quickly join the stage of active growth.

    The substance listed below can also be used as fertilizers.

    • humus (about 5-6 kilograms per square meter of soil);
    • Corving solution (1:10, 3-5 liters per square meter of soil);
    • Chicken litter solution (1:20, 3-5 liters per square meter of soil).

    Malina will be useful phosphorus-potash fertilizers. To process one square meter of soil, it is recommended to use 20-40 grams of potassium sulfate or 50-80 grams of superphosphate.

    Mulching will help protect the roots of raspberries from the effects of possible frosts, and also compact the upper layer of the soil, which will allow the soil better to retain moisture. The procedure adjusts the liquid content near the roots of the shrub, will help the plant to form a sufficient number of shoots and give an abundant harvest.

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    Awakening period. How to care for raspberry in early spring nelya

    Mulching Malinnik follows after applying fertilizer soil, since the bushes are filled after the procedure will not be able to get full access to the useful substances due to the mulch layer.

    Raspberry shrubs can be mulched with a 5-centimeter peat layer, filled straw or sunflower husks. Small sawdust or twigs come.

    The sanitary and forming crunch of the Malinnik is carried out in early spring, after the snow cover completely melts. Dry and frozen shoots are removed, the rest of the branches are cut off, leaving only healthy kidneys on them. It helps the eyes to awaken and give rise to fruitless shoots.

    The raspberry bushes can be cropped at different heights, it will allow the victories to bring harvest throughout the warm season. Cutting some shoots on half of their height, should shorten the part of their neighbors by 10-15 centimeters, and the remaining bushes so that their branches are the length of about 15-20 centimeters.

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    Awakening period. How to care for raspberry in early spring nelya

    In trimming of removable raspberries, special methods are used. If the goal of growing such a Malinik is to obtain a single abundant harvest, when trimming it is worth removing absolutely all branches. If the gardener intends to enjoy the crop of culture twice in one season, it should be cut only by replicating brown shoots and undeveloped roasting pigs. Annual shoots in this case should be shortened by 15-25 centimeters.

    The processing of the Malinnik to protect against pests and causative agents is worth it at the end of the sanitary trimming. Before processing, the shrub should be examined, all the branches of the branches have deleted suspicious formations.

    With the defeat of Malinnik, the stem gallicle damaged shoots must be removed, a bush is treated with a solution "Fufanon". In order to prevent the attack of other pests, the plant spray such compositions as "phytodeter", "Akarin", Aktellik. From the pawkin tick, raspberry will protect the "carbofos" and a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur.

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