Kabachkov Growing: Landing and Care


Good afternoon, my reader. The zucchini is considered an unpretentious vegetable culture, but there is still a number of features of its landing and growing, without taking into account that it will be difficult to get a decent harvest.

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Cultivation of zucchini: landing and care Nelya

Kabachkov Growing (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

Soil under it can be purchased in specialized stores or prepare a complex soil mixture by connecting wood sawdust, compost and peat or simply prepare a mixture of sand and peat, mixing them in equal proportions.

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Cultivation of zucchini: landing and care Nelya

Zucchini (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

Boxes or other containers in which seeds are sown, you need to put on a sunny place (for example, on the windowsill). The first sprouts appear in a week.

The plot dedicated to them should be solar, soil has low acidity. It is recommended to prepare it from autumn, pumping at 20-25 cm with mineral fertilizers. Immediately before planting it loose to a depth of up to 10 cm, introducing an ammonium salter into it.

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Cultivation of zucchini: landing and care Nelya

Zucchini in the garden (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

As for the compatibility of plants, it is not recommended to plant zucchini near other pumpkin plants, as well as on sites where this vegetable was grown by several seasons in a row.

The optimal time for planting seedlings in open ground is the end of May or beginning of June. If sowing is carried out by seeds, they are pre-germinated in a damp rag. The landing is carried out so that between the bushes then there was a 50-70 cm interval.

Watering them in the open soil should be carried out with the weather. In normal weather conditions, it is necessary to water them no more than once in 10 days, excess moisture can lead to rotting the tips of the forming fruits. The watering water should be warm, usually use the one that insists in a garden barrel. The use of cold tap water can cause reassembly of the strings.

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Cultivation of zucchini: landing and care Nelya

Caring for zucchini (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

If the zucchini is grown in the greenhouse, it must be soaked, because after watering it will significantly increase the humidity of the air, which can negatively affect the zucchini. The optimal temperature regime that is recommended to support is 24-26 - daytime temperatures and 15 - night.

Obtaining a good harvest depends on the intensity of pollination of plants. In order to attract insect pollinators, the bushes of zucchini spray with sweetened water or put a saucer with diluted with honey near them. You can solve this issue and by landing between the barchatz beds. In addition to the fact that the flowers will attract insect pollinators, these decorative plants will ensure and protect the zucchini from nematodes affecting the roots, and simply add a vegetable garden to some aesthetics.

Like any other vegetable culture, zucchini need feeding nutrients. It can be both ready-made fertilizers commercially available and compositions made independently from natural components. For example, infusion of weeds. Make it very simply: the barrel up to half is filled with weeds, accumulated after weeding the garden, and poured them with water, after which they are covered with a barrel with polyethylene and leave for a week and a half. The resulting concentrated infusion containing the mass of nutrients required by the zucchinas is diluted with water 1:10. Also as an effective feeding for zucchini, you can use:

  • korovyan, diluted with water;
  • sugar-yeast solution;
  • Wood ashes.

Thus called "Men's" flowers that are not able to form a ovary. In minor quantities, they are even needed, since with their help fertilization of "female" flowers occurs.

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Cultivation of zucchini: landing and care Nelya

Zabachkov Vintage (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

But if there are too many empty flowers, it should alert. The causes of their numerous, in addition to unfavorable weather conditions, may be:

  • improper planting seedlings or seed sowing;
  • excess in the soil of nitrogen, increasing its acidity;
  • weak pollination due to lack of interest in plant insect plants;
  • Diseases.

Often the causes of the appearance of empty-flowers are mildew and a cucumber mosaic virus, whose carriers are ants, Tsl, Colorado beetles. To combat the plant virus, it is necessary to treat special preparations of the type "AcTelk" or "Aktara", and the garden equipment before using disinfect.

The appearance of powdered dew may be caused by an overabundancy in the soil of nitrogen, for its prevention do not need to overflow the zucchini nitrogen fertilizers. When signs of the disease, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves as soon as possible and process the fungicide bushes.

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