20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions


Going to the restaurant, we want to get pleasure not only taste, but also aesthetic. Beautiful dishes and table setting, exquisite feeding dishes with multicolored bright spots of sauce sauces - it would seem, all this stimulates our appetite. But one thing to come to an unfamiliar institution and wait for something like, and quite another - to become a guest of the restaurant, in which high standards of culinary art are marked by world-class professionals.

Adme.ru spied that they were preparing and served by visitors of restaurants who received the highest culinary mark of the gastronomic Olympus - the star "Mishalin". And at the end of the article you are waiting for a bonus, which proves that in each of us is hiding a talented chef.

The cheapest establishment in the world marked by the star "Michelin". Cost of serving less than $ 2. Chicken in soy sauce with rice and noodles (Singapore)

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_1
© Unknown / ImGur

Oysters with cucumber, tomato water and horseradish

Chilled beef marble carpaccio with capers

Fried lobster, tomatoes, jelly and black caviar

Rooster, extinguished with vegetables and spices

Savoy Biscuit

Nothing unusual. Just a dish submitted on the repex and a piece of wood bark

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_2
© Magic_Vibrations / Reddit

Chocolate cube, blackberry, raspberry and panocca

Risotto with white truffle. Yellow substance in the middle - gravy from gelatin

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_3
© RedDitrandomness / ImGur

Cannelloni from Langustin Jelly with Mango. Machine from crabs with the addition of notes Kombava. Black french caviar and food gold leaves

On the plate - dandelions

Crimson-lemon pie

Tart with shrimp and kalugrea caviar

Raman in New York

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_4
© GetMebuffAlowings / Reddit

Roasted Lobster, Recubs With Hibiscus

Makarun with a cookie marinated rhubarb and Sakura flower

"This is the Calamarata paste, which I ordered. It is called so not because it is with squid, but because in shape resembles rings squid "

"We took a set of four dishes per each. In addition, there were 3 more complies from the restaurant and as a gift cake with a candle. And yes, such portions can really notice, because you also get aesthetic pleasure from the process "

Tunter Tunter, Wasabi and Sesame Mayonnaise

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_5
© FitnessMind-Chefmajk / Reddit

This is how the chicken is served in a 3-star Mishlensky restaurant

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_6
© Matt_Act / Reddit

Risotto with mushrooms

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_7
© FitnessMind-Chefmajk / Reddit

Restaurant Louis, not far from Montmartre. The room is small, maximum on 20 seats. The cost of the set of eight dishes - € 94, 5 beverages - € 60

Consishes from the institution marked with the star "Michelin"

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_8
© ABigailFrillywho / Reddit

Bonus: Each of us a little famous chef

Exquisite omelet with avocado and bacon, cooked chef micro de wavewoman, awarded the stars "Mishen"

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_9
© Lepke / Reddit

Feeding a cheese plate with chewing candy in the form of a fiery ball on a range of dishes

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_10
© Xyphen / Reddit

"Now I'm waiting for my Michelin Star"

20+ dishes from restaurants with Michelin star, the filing of which is surprising and a couple of questions 11239_11
© Chefanubis / Reddit

Imagine that you can award the star "Michelin". For example, his grandmother for the best grated pie or a colleague in the world, which constantly feeds the whole office of homemade baking. Who would you give this reward for which dish?

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