"Before the epidemiologist could not get through the week": Why mowing our old people in boarding houses?


In the center of the social care of Intercessions, the first cases of the disease were revealed in November last year. How and why the coronavirus spread further - the head of the Pension Solvita Rudovich was told on the air of the discussion program "Points of I" of Russian broadcasting LTV7, writes rus.lsm.lv

"First, the disease was confirmed from workers. And then the virus went on the institution. It was the end of November, "Solwita Rudovich told.

She acknowledged that even in the spring, recommendations and orders were received, how to act in the event of a virus detection, and in the summer the rules were revised.

"But when the virus reached us, and we had to introduce recommendations, it turned out that we did not find answers to practical issues. It was very difficult. It seems that the regulations constantly received the laws, the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers, but not enough practical information, "the head of the Center for Social Care Center" said.

At the same time, the "intercession" could not contact the epidemiologist.

"They all worked remotely, and therefore had to solve all the questions on their own," says Solwita Rudovich.

A concrete epidemiologist was attached to Intercession - he, according to Solwita Rudovichi, came to the boarding house at the beginning of the year and left contacts. Like, if you call.

"Of course, we saved these contacts. But when it was necessary, began to call, but it turned out that it is impossible to contact a specific specialist. On one day we were told that he was not working, it works remotely, they promised that he would call back. Call, however, did not wait, "Solwita Rudovich explained.

At the same time, it was impossible to change the epidemiologist - the boarding house explained that a specific person was attached to this institution.

Help, according to her, came from colleagues - under the auspices of the Riga Duma meetings are held, where "We could discuss problems with colleagues, which helped it very much."

But - according to recommendations, the institution should have a supply of personal protection for three months. "Yes, we were enough for three months, but we did not expect that there would be so many cases. Whether we have a separate branch where you can isolate infected, the situation would be better. But if a case appeared in one corridor, quarantine was introduced for the entire corridor. Since everyone else is contact persons. As a result, in very many corridors a closed regime was introduced, and the workers constantly worked in a complete set of protection, "says Solwita Rudovich.

Naturally, the flow of protection funds was large, and the reserves accumulated from the spring went very quickly.

"At first we prepared a block for patients with COVID-19 for five beds. But at the same time it turned out to be much more, "Solwita Rudovich admitted.

Now once a week, pension workers hand over saliva tests on COVID-19. Customers hand over the tests on COVID-19 times a month, and when there was an outbreak - handed over every 14 days.

The hardest period fell on the Christmas week. But the army came to the rescue.

"All sisters got sick," Solwita Rudovich describes the situation. - From December 24 until December 31, we arrived five military nurses. It helped us very much. "

During the Pandemic COVID-19, 101 guests of the Social Care Center were infected, 14 died. 38 workers got sick, another 13 is still ill. One employee died.

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