7 cool things that make cleaning more interesting

7 cool things that make cleaning more interesting 11221_1

Funny sponges, mini vacuum cleaners and other goods

Domestic affairs for children can be entertainment if you find the right approach. We have already talked about how to make cleaning more fun. But not always the child wants to wipe the dust to the music or wash the dishes on the speed. What to do, the bad mood happens to everyone.

True, this is not a reason to lean from cleaning. Instead of watching, as a child with a sour face of terts, you can try to cheer it up with cute, but at the same time useful for cleaning things. Assembled list of items that it is time to replace more fun versions.

Cleaner for the oven

Cleaning the oven or microwave does not apply to the most fun homemade. It is necessary to wear gloves, water the surface of the oven with special means (and they usually smell like so-so) and long rub the sponge. Thanks to a fun cleaner, a child will cope with the task.

You need to fill the figure with a cleaning agent (or water vinegar), put in the microwave for five minutes and observe how steam leaves from the head of the figure.

You can still use the figure to calm the nerves. Just imagine how together with a ferry from the figurines from your head overlook all bad thoughts. People with a rich fantasy should help.

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Photo: Aliexpress.com Sponges for washing dishes
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Photo: Aliexpress.com.

Wash dishes are quite boring, but you can make this occupation a little more interesting. To begin with, pick up the sponge bougar. For example, in the form of such fruits.

Lock the plates to the shine strawberry or mango just more pleasant than a regular sponge.

Balls for washing

Yes, the wash does not require children from active participation, but first you need to get together with the forces, paint things and load them into the machine. Boredom.

But there is a reason to get from the cabinet the balls for washing and drying. For example, those in the form of hedgehogs.

Then you can see how these hedgehogs will spin with clothes.

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Photo: Aliexpress.com
7 cool things that make cleaning more interesting 11221_5
Photo: Aliexpress.com.

Folding the dirty things in the basket is often so lazy, it's easier to scat them around the room, my mother will come and everything will gather ... If the child argues in such a way, then the way a little motivating him to add dirty clothes in one place: buy a funny basket. For example, such a shark basket.

So the task will become more interesting. The child will not just throw things into the basket, but feed the hungry predator. And you need to do it quickly until the shark decides to pull the child!

Swabs slippers

It is not necessary to allocate for washing the seats and crawl around the apartment with a cloth, if you put on a rag right on your feet. There are even such special swabs.

With their help, it is convenient and wash the floors, and collect the wool of pets from the carpet. Although, there is a chance that the floor is not clean in the entire apartment, but only in separate places. Before the TV, for example.

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Photo: Aliexpress.com Brush for dust

Scramble in sneakers on the shelves and tables to wipe dust, it is not worth it. It is better to buy a brush, also known as Pipidastra. These brushes and themselves like children, because they are soft and bright. But there is a more original brush. Here is this, in the form of Lama.

She is flexible, it is convenient to wipe any surface.

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Photo: Aliexpress.com Mini vacuum cleaner
7 cool things that make cleaning more interesting 11221_8
Photo: Aliexpress.com.

It is still possible to clean the dust and a small garbage on the table and keyboard conveniently with a portable vacuum cleaner. They all look like cute robots. These vacuum cleaners resemble mushrooms from a series of games about Mario, so they will especially like the small (and not very) fans of the franchise.

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