Plan "Barbarossa". Why didn't the Blitzkrig strategy with the Union did not work?


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Barbarossa plan is the code name of the Blitzkrieg strategy to seize the Soviet Union of Nazi Germany, developed by the Germans from December 1940 to June 1941. It was not possible to implement the conceived Nazis. They made some irreparable mistakes that eventually led them to defeat.

Lightning war

The Germans planned to defeat the Soviet Union for a maximum of 2-3 months. They understood that they would not be able to lead a long war right with several serious rivals. Therefore, the Nazis was important to break the Soviet army before the war against the UK is completed. The idea of ​​Nazi Germany was sense only if the attack on the USSR would be rapid. According to the plan "Barbarossa", the Germans needed first in three directions to break through to the line from Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk, and then hit aviation on the Soviet industrial base in the Urals. The main task was not to give the enemy to mobilize and deploy the forces, that is, ahead of it. The defeat of the Soviets would allow Germany to take a dominant role in Europe, and would also break all the hopes of England to the aid of America and Russia.

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Officials intelligence

The Germans when developing a plan for the attack on the USSR underestimated the forces of the enemy, so many things for them became a complete surprise. The official data of the 2000s said that the ratio of Soviet and German forces to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was as follows: Germany - 182 divisions, and the USSR - 186; The personnel of the German army 1.6 times exceeded the Soviet Armed Forces; assault tools and tanks in the Germans were 3 times less; The combat aviation at the Soviet Union was 3100 units more.

The above figures can be called accurate today, but German intelligence at that time was mistaken even stronger by having arrived in the opponent's performance. Therefore, the rapid breakthrough was failed to achieve the Hitlermen. German troops faced serious resistance in three directions.

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Falling "Barbarossa"

The Barbarossa plan meant that the invasion of the German troops into the territory of the Allied States will begin on May 15, 1941. The Germans were confident that they would have time to defeat the USSR before the onset of the cold and they would not be useful to warm clothes, winter engine oils and other things needed in the cold. But the date of the occurrence was concluded on June 22 due to the strike on Yugoslavia and the protracted hostilities in the region. As a result of the warm season, the Nazis was not enough to capture the Union, and they were completely ready for winter.

According to the Plan, the Germans already on the eighth day the operation had to reach the turn of Kaunas - Mogilev-Podolsky. For the twenties day, they expected to seize these territories and go to the line located south of Kiev. Nazi Germany still managed to perform part of the plan and reach the line "Dnipro Rogachev - Great Luke", but with a huge delay. Despite the retreat from the schedule, the Germans believed that they could put the Soviet Union to his knees, from which he would not stand. According to the plan "Barbarossa", the Nazis planned by August 1 to seize Moscow and Leningrad, as well as Donbass, but behind the schedule for almost 3 months. In addition, the Germans had superiority in tanks and combat aircraft only one of the directions. They managed to break the Soviet army in the Baltic States and take Leningrad in the siege. But the city was able to hold out. This is largely due to the fact that Hitler had to transfer most of the tanks from Leningrad to the Moscow direction. German forces noticeably weakened. This allowed Leningrad to withstand the enemy's onslaught and repulse. Barbarossa plan and blitzkrig strategy did not work. German troops burned in the war with the Soviet Union, the victims eventually defeat.

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