Persians - how many tribes created the greatest power of the world?


Persians are one of the truly great and legendary peoples. In the distant antiquity they managed to create a powerful empire, which exceeded other states of the world. The highest level of development of the Persian society allowed to build its own culture, religion, scientific and engineering technologies, many of which remain relevant to this day.

Among the Persians there were a lot of outstanding thinkers, scientists, people of art. Today, this people keep their history holy, although significant changes occurred in the cultural plan. They do not forget that once their ancestors managed to create a great empire from several tribes. How did Persians appear? How did their power develop? And where did the terrible and powerful ancient Persia disappeared?

Secrets of the names of Persians

For the first time, the mention of Persia is found in the documents and archives of the Assyrian ruler of Salmanasar III. They are talking about a small area located in the southern part of Lake Urmia, for which the name "Parsua" is used.

Since these records are dated to the 9th century to our era, it can be assumed that the Persian tribes themselves began the process of its formation a little earlier. After some time, in ancient texts, a completely recognizable ethnonym "PARS", used in relation to residents to Iranian-speaking communities inhabiting Iranian plateau.

What is this name mean? According to lingules and historians, the word "parces", used in antiquity as the name of the Persians, cannot be separated from the naming of other Indoran tribes, related to the Persian people (for example, Parfyan).

The basis of these words is "Pars-", that translated from the ancient adverb means "strong", "Bocky". Probably, Persians were distinguished by a strong physique, which is why other tribes considered them real heroes.

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Edwin Lord Whims "Journey to Persia"

Creating an empire

Initially, the Persians were a rather heterogeneous mixture of tribes. The neighboring nationality was influenced by their ethnic formation, and the territory of Persia was in the center of trade routes, which means some of the mixture of ethnic groups.

In his writings, the Persian traveler and historian Masidi notes the following:

"There are various languages, such as peklev, Dari, Azeri and other Persian languages."

And such a linguistic separation has been preserved to this day, since Persians are not one tribe, but a whole group of people close in spirit, origin and culture of nationalities.

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Persepolis - Persia Capital / © Ryan Teo /

The history of Persia can be divided into several stages, each of which became a transitional step to a new level of development, significantly changing the cultural and lifeguards of Persians. The most important milestone in the formation of the people becomes the creation of the capital, Persepole.

But it was only the first step towards the construction of a whole empire. The Persian rulers realized that only the constant strengthening of cities and their borders, the conquests could be achieved by the expansion of their possessions, which would bring prosperity to the state.

Ancient Persians - the rulers of the world

King Ahemen became the founder of the Great Dynasty of Achhemenidov. Note the power of the Persian Power, which became stronger than the day by day, the neighboring tribes swore to the loyalty to the ruler, joining Persia. However, the true time of the heyday begins for Persians with the arrival of Kira Great.

In the VI century BC, the Persian Empire becomes the strongest state of the world, reaching unprecedented heights in military affairs, as well as politics and economics. Cyrus Great did not simply created the largest country of the world whose peoples were united under his authority.

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Immortal Army at 10,000 people / © Alonso Vega /

This king was audacious and ambitious. Before conquering before the unreleased powers, he decided to rebuild the new capital, Pasargada. All Kira projects were fully implemented in this city, which became the true decoration of the Earth of Persians.

In my opinion, the success of the conquest hikes Kira and the expansion of the borders of Persia were due not only to the skill of warriors. The king's policy was not based on the suppression, but on the preservation of ethnic signs and culture of conquered peoples.

People from the conquered territories did not become slaves, they did not take the lands, and beliefs and customs remained the same. Because of this feature, Kira managed to conquer Babylon, whose residents considered the Persian king with their liberator. Even the Jewish people often speak of Kiru great as a Messiah.

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Persian rider / © Joan Francesc Oliveras /

The disappearance of the Persian Empire

The death of Kira revealed Persians and peoples who divided the country with them, in deep despair. However, the Darius became a worthy successor of the Great Tsar, which entered the story as a skillful warrior, a talented strategist and politician. In Daria, the border of the Persian Empire reaches unthinkable limits - from Egypt to India.

A huge state was associated with a variety of roads, which stretched from one region to another. However, the board of Darius was not cloudless - at that time fierce riots flashes.

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Darius III was the king of the Persian Empire during the Asian Military Campaign Alexander Macedonian / © © Joan Francesc Oliveras /

The mass uprising affects Athens and Corinth, whose troops were united against the Persians. Despite the power of the Persian army, she failed to break the Greeks. A crushing defeat in this war was to know the successor Daria, King Xerxes.

The Persian Empire disintegrates in the IV century to our era. Once of the Great Persia, who dictated its conditions to neighboring peoples, was conquered herself. Now Alexander Macedonsky appeared already the conqueror of Persians. However, the Persian influence on it was so strong that the famous commander even proclaimed himself as a representative of the Agemenid dynasty.

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Battle between the army of Alexander Macedon and Army Darius III

Persians - the people that passed an interesting and difficult historical path. Even at the beginning of the last century, the West Iran was called Persia, but on the territory of the state this word was practically not used.

Today, representatives of the people "Pars" or "Fars", as Persians themselves say, more than 40 million people are considered, most of which live in the cities and villages of Iran. The tribes that once owned huge territories and many countries, today occupy the land, which can be called the cradle of the Persian people.

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