19 people who just took and broke all the stereotypes about neighbors


Neighbors are a separate universe with its clear structure and a special hierarchy. Here and grandmothers sitting on a bench and all about everyone knowing; and parents whose children call on the name of the whole entrance; and activists who are always collecting money for repairs; And, of course, the famous neighbor with a perforator. But with each of them you need to try to build good relationships and comfortably get along.

We are in ADME.ru confident that good-neighborly relations are one of the most important pledges of relaxing life. 19 The heroes of our selection have already become best friends with their neighbors and are ready to share positive experience with others.

"I did a cleaning and decided to give my old XBOX 12-year-old neighbor"

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© PetersRevenge / Reddit

"I went to the balcony. At the bottom of the neighbors are swearing: the snowfall was at night, the road and cars are clean. And I look, a neighbor from the balcony looked out and pinches a man down at the bottom. "

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© Romaholod / Pikabu

"- What, Kolyan, brought, going to spring will you? "You'd better bold less, would have come helped." - What can I help you? I have no brushes. - I have a second, in the trunk. - Run, Kolyan! And came running, the redist is such, pronounced. Now both are both cleaning the car, they say about something, laugh, rejoice. And you know, so warmly fell on the soul, right as in childhood. And do not care what both for 40 are far away, even in the snowballs played. "

"Mom usually grows his nose from my cooking, and the neighbor never refuses"

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© Anthonyshock / Twitter, © Anthonyshock / Twitter, © Anthonyshock / Twitter

"The cutest note in the entrance I saw"

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© alexrustler / Twitter

Neighbors who are not all equal

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© thatgirl_stacey / Twitter

"I spent the day of thanksgiving at home, so the neighbors brought me this"

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© hbgbees / reddit

When the neighbors learned that you are vegan

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© Nulool / Twitter, © Nulool / Twitter

"In recent days a lot of snow fell. One shovel on the entrance (strongly "tired"), clean with neighbors in turn. Today, instead of the morning charging, I decided to reach cleaning. Look at the access door, and there it is

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© Sponame / Pikabu

"I look after a neighbor cat again"

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© Trenta_Nueve / Reddit, © imakeBoomboom / Reddit

So that there are good neighbors, it is necessary to be a good neighbor

"Yesterday, winter suddenly came in the city, snow fell. The car is standing near the house, I do not go to work on it. In the evening, I write my wife: "Neighbor cleaned the snow near your car. With you chocolate. " It turned out, the neighbor cleaned the snow under his window so that her husband came and put the car into a clean place, and I decided to clean me at the same time. In the evening after work, I drove into the store and bought chocolate. He lied and said Many thanks. At night, the clear thing, did not go anywhere, the car was linked with snow. This morning, going to work, I saw that the car was completely cleaned from snow! A neighbor warming up his car in the morning, decided to clean my too. Wide soul and excellent people! " © Jokerflam / Pikabu

The Westerns began to distribute products for free

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© InvoluntaryinsMniac / Reddit

"Take what you need. Leave that you can ".

"Neighbors learned that for Christmas I will be alone, so I brought me it"

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© Stepoh / Reddit

And how no one noticed this?

"My neighbor lost salary for the month. Large family, it was a trouble for them. After 5 hours, I went to walk with the dog and found their money. And in the snow they were visible per kilometer, and the road from the subway is very crowded. The neighbor still believes that I brought her my money. She thinks too well about me. " © Irina Shcherbakova / Facebook

"Our neighbor often treats through the fence of my dogs, and sometimes daughter. Today they are waiting patiently "

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"Yesterday night played the guitar and got such a message from the neighbor upstairs"

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© riggedpig / twitter

"Leaving it in the garden of the neighbors to fool them."

Making bets, is managed in a week

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© coffeeshka / pikabu

"Returned home after a hard working day and found that a neighbor cleaned my way."

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© MelissaareED / Twitter

"2 months ago I drove 2 holes in the bathroom. The general chat is broken from indignation. Last night it was necessary to bother again. I decided to warn residents of the entrance, and here is the result "

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© Maksmaster / Pikabu

"I understood here: noise and vibration, of course, annoy. But even more informs the misunderstanding when it ends. And warned - it means, dumped into a movie for an interesting movie. Me here stretch ceilings will be mounted after 3 weeks. Perhaps I will notify your entrance in advance. Let them plan their day. "

And what are your relationship with your neighbors?

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