Support for NPOs in Ugra laid 150 million rubles

Support for NPOs in Ugra laid 150 million rubles 11154_1
Support for NPOs in Ugra laid 150 million rubles

At the beginning of March, the Ugra received almost 50 million rubles from the federal budget for NPO support. Entering thus in the top five regions that have received largely third-party financing of non-profit organizations. This is despite the fact that the district itself allocated 100 million for these purposes.

But the most important thing is that this story is not at all about money, but about the initiative of the Ugra. About how many among us are not indifferent, ready to work not for the sake of profit, but for the sake of other people.

Andrei is one of the 18 Khanty-Mansiysk guys with disabilities undergoing training in the center of Igor Sirenko. Here you can see how the power of art works. As a result of music, choreography, drawing, children get the opportunity to fully live.

Igor Sirenko, Head of the Center for Creativity and Development: "I know that they can. They can also, like us. They can at least try. They need to give a chance. One of my first students, he now went to school, he speaks well, he sings well, he teaches poems. Memorization, the development of cognitive functions occurred. Memory through music. Melodies taught. An intonational child began to express beautifully. It develops children. And what develops children and makes the world better, it's about me. "

With special children Igor began working 3 years ago. At the end of last year, the governor's grant won. You bought musical equipment for the money received in the center, allowing you to work only with those frequencies that are comfortable for a specific child. Equipped with a studio.

Now, Igor Sirenko's main problem calls that too few families with special children are aware of the existence of the center. So, can not give new opportunities to your child.

In the number of projects of social themes in Ugra traditionally occupy 3-4 place among the total number. In many ways, this is due to the well-established work of the district and municipal social services. The most popular projects remain related to the development of physical education and street sports, as well as education and culture. One of these projects is a comic studio.

Nina Pottek, author of the project "Comic and Fine Creativity" project: "The guys come to us completely different. Someone more likes to compose, someone likes to draw more, and someone can and then. Sometimes they are combined. Very interesting collaborations are sometimes like that, jams, are obtained. And we, looking at this picture, decided to make a continuation for our project: Create a full-fledged academic course that would cover all the needs of children. "

The result of the project will be a series of video lessons, according to which anyone can learn how to create drawn stories. In 2020, 100 million rubles were allocated in the district to support NGOs in the form of grants. And the same amount of Ugra NPO, with the support of the Center for Civil Initiatives, was attracted from third-party sources.

For example, from the program of presidential grants or the movement "Rosmolodezh". As a result, it was possible to support 400 projects. And this is only about organizations. Since 2020, the Governor's grants began to issue individuals, and this is another 94 project for 20 million rubles.

Yakov Samokhvalov, General Director of the Civil Initiatives of the Ugra: "We expect that at the end of this year they will be able to support 24-300 projects in the region only at the expense of regional funds. Taking into account co-financing. The Ugra entered the top 5 regions in the amount that we attracted from the federal budget to the SOFINAsing of our contest - about 150 million, that is, 100 regional and 50 federal. For 150 million, we can support about 300 projects. " Reducing the number of projects occurs due to the fact that the average cost of one project is growing. Having tried the project with a budget of 300 thousand, the Ugra is conceived more ambitious plans. As a result, the quantitative indicator falls, but the quality of services and coverage increase significantly.

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