"Forest" way to plant raspberries - peeped in nature


    Good afternoon, my reader. Gardeners plant raspberries on their sites mainly in the traditional way. Because not everyone knows that there is another, "forest", the method of growing raspberry, very useful for plants and winning for a gardener - on wood.

    "Forest" way of planting raspberries - 16 Nature of Maria Verbilkova

    Landing raspberry. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    It's no secret that wood waste is excellent fertilizer for garden crops. They have a large number of advantages:

    • increase soil fertility;
    • lubricate the worms of baking land;
    • Used in the improvement of insulated beds;
    • Used as a drainage system when growing plants in boxes.

    If you draw attention to how wild raspberries are growing in nature, such a feature can be traced: it can often be found on old drunk trees, destroyed stumps or mountains of fired branches. No one ever cuts down in the forest and does not harm, but the bushes are perfectly fruit every year.

    "Forest" way of planting raspberries - 16 Nature of Maria Verbilkova

    Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    All work on landing raspberries in this way is very simple and can be even a novice gardener.

    1. It is necessary to choose the right place on which raspberry shrubs will grow, because this berry needs sunlight and wind protection.
    2. Remove from the territory all the garbage, clean the earth from weeds and roots.
    3. If a big Malinnik is planned, then you first need to place lines for rows. It is important to observe the size of the rod - about two meters.
    4. You can begin to prepare the nutritional basis for bushes. First you need to dig a trench for each row to a depth of thirty centimeters.
    5. In the grooves put sawdust, old bladed boards and sticks, drunk stumps and branches - in general, everything that is.
    6. Fall asleep all the soil from the trench to get a small hill, and plenty of water.
    "Forest" way of planting raspberries - 16 Nature of Maria Verbilkova

    Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    Note. Wood will begin to "work" not immediately - she needs time to turn. Therefore, they advise the use of already fidelled wood waste so that it goes faster. But this process can be accelerated by mixing the Earth with mineral fertilizers. It will also be a good natural feeding for the shrubs themselves.

    1. When the soil goes out and fill the entire space between wood waste, you need to add more land and pour.
    2. Saplings are usually planted at a distance of at least 30 and no more than 50 centimeters from each other, so it is recommended to make recesses with this interval.
    3. You can start to plant bushes - it should be strictly vertically. The kidneys on the root neck should be at the time of several centimeters.
    4. Next you need to crop each seedling, leaving about 20 centimeters from the ground.
    5. After planting the soil, it is recommended to cover the mulch layer for 10-15 centimeters. Again, you can use wood bark or sawdust.

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