Why, after the flowering of tomatoes, the fruit marks are not formed? Ways to solve the problem


    Good afternoon, my reader. In June, the greenhouse bushes of tomatoes should appear fruit barring. However, many novice gardeners face the problem of their absence against the background of a large number of empty flowers. Knowing the reasons leading to the fact that tomatoes bloom, but are not tied, you can solve this problem and avoid its appearance in the future.

    Why, after the flowering of tomatoes, the fruit marks are not formed? Ways to solve the problem 11141_1
    Why, after the flowering of tomatoes, the fruit marks are not formed? Ways to solve the problem of Maria Verbilkova

    There are several factors provoking the lack of fruit barriers on tomato bushes growing in a greenhouse. Such a complication usually leads to the gathering mistakes in the care of vegetable culture.

    In the summer, the greenhouse has a property to overheat. The air in it becomes too hot for tomato bushes. Temperature regime in a greenhouse, if it is not regularly ventilated, in the summer it often exceeds the mark of +40 ° C.

    Heat negatively affects the pollen of tomatoes. At a temperature of +32 ° C, it is sterilized. In such cases, even with a multiple colors on the bushes and the presence of insect pollinkers, the fruit marking is not formed.

    Preventing air overheating in a greenhouse in summer, such measures will help:

    • regular ventilation;
    • the use of white underfloor material for shading in plants (it will be necessary to tighten under the ceiling);
    • Accommodation in a greenhouse of vessels with water.

    It is enough to maintain a comfortable temperature in the greenhouse for tomatoes, the temperature regime, hesitating in the range from +20 ° C to +25 ° C, so that the problem of lack of lack of lack of failure occurred.

    When growing greenhouse tomatoes, the air should not be raw. The indicator of humidity favorable for this vegetable culture is no more than 70%. Otherwise, pollen rolling into lumps and sprinkling is observed. It is fraught with the fact that tomatoes will not get tight.

    Why, after the flowering of tomatoes, the fruit marks are not formed? Ways to solve the problem 11141_2
    Why, after the flowering of tomatoes, the fruit marks are not formed? Ways to solve the problem of Maria Verbilkova

    You can avoid complications due to such actions:

    • Nead, but abundant irrigation of tomatoes. It should be carried out in the morning or evening hours.
    • Mulching of the soil under the tomato bushes to minimize moisture evaporation.
    • Tracking air humidity in a greenhouse by hygrometer.

    Often the absence of fruit marks on the bushes of tomatoes can be explained by the fact that access to the greenhouse was blocked for insect pollinators. If bees, bumblebees and other useful insects do not have the ability to penetrate inside artificial shelter, pollination will not happen.

    You can solve the problem due to regular ventilation of the greenhouse.

    Why, after the flowering of tomatoes, the fruit marks are not formed? Ways to solve the problem 11141_3
    Why, after the flowering of tomatoes, the fruit marks are not formed? Ways to solve the problem of Maria Verbilkova

    Dountier can also pollination personally. In the morning and evening hours it will need a slightly shook floral brushes. It will contribute to the shower of pollen from male flowers and getting it on the pestles of female flowers.

    Tomato bushes tend to grow, build up a green mass. Especially contributes to this excessive introduction of organic fertilizers and mineral compositions rich in nitrogen. In large and squeezed plants, all forces go to the formation of shoots and foliage, not fruits.

    Such an element of nutrition, like BOR, is necessary for greenhouse tomatoes. It contributes to the flowering of plants, the formation of pollen, the formation of fruits.

    With a shortage of this substance in the garden ground, there is a decrease in the productivity of tomato bushes.

    Solve the problem will help extractive feeding with the compositions rich in Bor. The element is better absorbed by a green organism through foliage than through the roots.

    To stimulate the formation of fruit barriers from greenhouse tomatoes, it will be necessary to regularly spend their spraying on the nutrient liquid obtained from such ingredients:

    • Boric acid - 5 g;
    • Water - 10 liters.

    Processing is carried out with a periodicity of 1 time in 1.5-2 weeks.

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