New exopartnet detected

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Within the framework of the Hades and Carmenes programs, astronomers from the Spanish University of La Lagun discovered the exoplanet relating to the superchild class. The object is found with the method of radial speeds. He was assigned the designation GJ 740 B. According to the preliminary data, the planet surpasses the land by weight about 3 times and rotates around the star at a distance of 36 light years.

Super ground is a class of planets, the mass of which is less than that of gas giants (for example, Saturn or Jupiter), but more mass of the Earth. An affiliation of planets to this class depends exclusively on their mass - the distance to the stars and other signs do not matter.

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Super grounds in the dwelling area: KEPLER-22B, KEPLER-69C, KEPLER-62E, KEPLER-62F and Earth (size comparison)

The first maintenance and exoplanet was simultaneously found in 1991. There are so-called border planets that are difficult to specifically attribute to the superames or gas giants. For example, Exoplanet MJ altar, the mass of which is 10.5 times greater than the Earth.

Studies were conducted in the Observatory Rock de Los Mucachechos, located on the Canary Islands, with the help of the National Telescope Galileo. With the help of the analysis of the spectra that scientists received for many years, they were able to determine the presence of supest, which rotates around the red dwarf.

Exoplanet is at a distance of about 0.029 a. e. From the star and makes a full turn around it for 2,377 terrestrial days. Its equilibrium temperature is about 829 K. The radius of the planet is not recognized, so scientists have yet to determine its composition. Since the mass and period of circulation are known, there is reason to assume that the ultra-ground has a rocky surface.

Astronomers believe that in this system there may be another planet, which significantly exceeds the mass of GJ 740 B, as well as more removed from red dwarf. By assumptions, she makes a turn around the star in 9.3 years, and the mass of this object is 100 times more than the mass of the Earth.

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KOI-256 system consisting of red and white dwarfs (illustration)

The method of radial velocities (or the Doppler method), with which the GJ 740 B was detected, consists in spectrometric measurement of the radial speed of the star. The essence of this method is that in the planetary system, the star is exposed to the strength of attraction, which comes from its planet, and "swing" at the same time, moving along its own small orbit.

Focusing on the offset of the spectrum of the star, scientists can identify many valuable data, such as the mass of the star, the period of its appeal, the minimum mass of the planet, etc.

Due to a relatively small mass, the overgrowths are hardly detected using only one method of radial speeds. Nevertheless, today it helped to find more than 600 exoplanets. Of these, 116 objects are revealed around M dwarfs (red) - this is relatively cold stars of the main sequence.

They are considered the most common in the universe, but to see them with a naked eye problematic due to weak glow. For example, the red dwarf is the nearest star to the sun - proxima Centaurus.

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