The housing market landed in the "ambush": there is no money from the authorities, no resources for developers


To stabilize housing prices in Russia, the Government intends to increase the offer on the primary real estate market, said the Deputy Prime Minister Marat Husnullin. How exactly it will be done - Husnullin did not specify. Experts declare that it is almost impossible to increase the volume of construction, at best - in 3-5 years.

"To stabilize prices on the market as a whole, the most favorable effect will have an increase in the volume of construction and increasing the level of competition in certain subjects of the Russian Federation. To do this, it is necessary to improve the mechanisms of financing developers, to abandon excessive monetary load, as well as involve land plots in circulation, to solve the issue with financing the construction of infrastructure facilities. In other words, to stabilize prices or even reduce them, it is necessary that the offer exceeds the demand, and the cost of construction decreased, "says Anton Frost, Vice-President Nostroy.

However, there is no other expert, resources to increase the volume of construction from developers now there. The demand for housing is reduced: the incomes of the population fall, taxes and housing prices are growing. Developers are not profitable to build more than will be in demand.

"To force developers to increase the proposal is impossible - there are no such mechanisms. You can kick regional chiefs. But for the heads at the level of the constituency of the Russian Federation, a limited set of mechanisms is also available: spend their own (from regional budgets) money on the "social system" and network? Regions and so in debt, with incomplete income. To reduce the validity of building permits (so as not to hold about the reserve) - it seems like not by law ... build at the expense of the budget for sale? Again, there is no money. Increase the offer of land plots? This is the most reasonable approach, but the results will be in 3-5 years. Allow to build more in the same areas that already exist (increase height and density) - citizens are unhappy and "feds" too (the standards of comfort are not respected). In general, "ambush". Because the market is not regulated directly by administrative methods. Only indirectly, "comments the expert of the Market Market Dmitry Sinkin.

You can read the main news of the real estate market in Russia in our Instagram account Instastroy.

The housing market landed in the
The housing market landed in the "ambush": there is no money from the authorities, no resources for developers

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