Dogs almost ripped out the girl in Ulan-Ude

Dogs almost ripped out the girl in Ulan-Ude 1111_1

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The tragedy occurred in Transbaikalia. The crop of angry dogs first attacked the young girl, and then on the child and the policeman. The incident caused a wide public resonance. What is aware of the fate of the victims today?

Victim of circumstances

Accident occurred on December 23 in the morning. On that day, a 21-year-old girl named Tatiana came out of the house in the Zabaykalsky microdistrict and headed to the clinic to receive a dentist. She suddenly suddenly jumped his dog samples, among whom were pets. Aggressive dogs attacked a defenseless girl and pushed her to the ground. Dogs were biting her for everything that they saw, and teeth ruined the clothes. The cries of the victims heard residents of the neighborhood. One of the women began to knock on a stick on the goal. Her neighbors heard and rushed to the rescue. They barely drove the pieces, brought a shit girl to the house and caused ambulance. Woman who saved Tatyana told that at some point the girl even stopped screaming, while remaining in the mind. According to her assumption, the victim was so hurt that she could not pronounce words.

Tanya in serious condition was taken to the hospital. Her torso, limbs and head were littered with deep bite. In some places, the wounds reached bones. The girl's face was all in the blood.

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Another attack

After people drove dogs from a confused victim, animals found a new way to spill aggression. They pounced on PSA from their samples and tormented it until they bang. On the same day, the dog attacked the 9-year-old boy who passed the place of the tragedy. The schoolboy was lucky more - he managed to escape from aggressive pieces, which were burned by passersby. The child still examined doctors. Doctors decided not to hospitalize the boy, and to be treated in an outpatient basis.

Poskonek arrived at the incident soon. He examined the street and found a bloody PSA, which immediately attacked him. Police had to apply weapons. The wound was not deadly. PSA took veterinarians to spend all the necessary research.

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What is known about the girl?

Doctors are now fighting for the life and health of Tatiana. She has all the body of Ispesano, the face is practically no. It is connected to the artificial ventilation of the lungs. Only on the third day, doctors allowed relatives to look at the girl in intensive care. According to Native Aunt Tatiana, due to the big blood loss, it may be necessary for blood transfusion. She also told that the niece of the doctrine has already made several operations. According to Aunt Albina, all ligation Tanya have to do under anesthesia due to severe pain. After recovery, she will need a whole series of expensive plastic operations, which are not made in Buryatia. As soon as the condition of the affected girl stabilizes, relatives will insist on transferring it to the capital of Russia. While they announced the collection of funds for treatment, for the consumption of which they promise to fully report.

The other day, Tatiana came to himself, but it can not say yet. To communicate with relatives, she uses a handle and paper, but when he writes - quickly gets tired. Tatiana, having learned how people help her with words and money, wrote: "Thank you all. I love all of you! "

The reaction of the authorities

The incident in Ulan-Ude caused a wide public resonance. The doctors of Buryatia are constantly negotiating with the specialists of the Surgery Institute. Vishnevsky about the further treatment of Tatiana. For the work of the Girls from Transbaikalia personally follows the Minister of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko, and the chief surgeon of the country Amira Revishvili is ready to operate the victims from the bites of dogs. Buryatia's authorities promised to pay all the treatment of Tatiana, as well as send it to the Moscow Clinic. For payment of specials, officials should allocate 5.5 million rubles from the regional budget. Having learned about this, Aunt Tatyana announced the suspension of funds. Money that are already collected will be stored in the girlfriend's mom's account and used only for its intended purpose.

In the meantime, the Investigative Committee pledged to test the work of all organs responsible for settling the amount of homeless animals and their timely calf. Ulan-Ude's authorities offer to increase fines up to 50 thousand rubles for dog owners, which allow their pets freely walking through the streets.

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