Bulls and cows from Chernobyl began to behave like wild animals


In April 1986, a strong explosion occurred in the Chernobyl NPP, during which the environment was contaminated with radioactive substances. Locals within a radius of several kilometers were evacuated and thousands of pets remained without their owners. At the moment there are almost no people on the territory of the Chernobyl zone of alienation, but animals run through desert places. Some of them are descendants of bulls and cows, which at the end of the XX century remained unattended. During the filming of the documentary film about the protected area, people noticed that once pets began to behave like wild animals. While the usual domestic cattle grazes in the meadows without observing special rules, Chernobyl bulls and cows began to form cohesive flocks, where each individual has its own role. Thanks to this, they may not be afraid of attacks from predators, even wolves.

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Wild animals Chernobyl

Chernobyl animals

On the unusual behavior of animals was told on Facebook by employees of the radiation and ecological biosphere reserve. A flock of wild bulls and cows, in addition to the participants of the film crew, previously noticed scientists. Moreover, researchers are watching animals for three years. The flock consists of survivors after the explosion of animals and their descendants. It is believed that their owners lived in the village of Lubyanka, but were either evacuated or died. And this is not the only herd of wild animals, because almost 35 years ago, the researchers noticed the wild animals, which once lived in the village of Cleaner.

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Cows and bulls from the village of Lubyanka

The interest in scientists a herd of wild cows lives in the western part of the alienation zone, near the River Ilya. In the course of observations it was noted that they behave exactly as their wild ancestors - tours. So called the progenitors of modern cattle. The last part of the tours died in 1627, in Poland. The reason for the extinction of tours is considered regular hunting and human activity. These muscular creatures weighed 800 kilograms and possessed large horns. During the history, scientists tried to revive these cows, including during the times of Nazi Germany. After the fall of the Hitler's regime, all "Nazi cows" were destroyed.

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Extinct tours looked about so

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Wild bulls and cows

Unlike home bulls and cows, wild individuals act very nicely and comply with the special rules within the herd. It has the main bull, which earned its status due to its physical strength. He watches the calves to keep strictly between adult bulls and cows so that predators do not have reached them. Young males do not drive out of herd, because they can withstand enemies they can only with common efforts. But the main bull can completely drive out another male, if he tries to take away the status of a leader.

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Another photo of the wild bulls and cows

According to researchers, despite the strengths of frost, bulls and cows feel well. Apparently, for many years they are already accustomed to life in wildlife. Almost all the members of the flock look completely healthy. The problems were noticed only by the leading male - he has a damaged eye. Most likely, he was injured during the protection of herd from predators or in battle with another male. In approximately thus, their ancestors of the tours lived, that is, if necessary, wild instincts can be reborn in domestic animals.

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Tour in the artist's presentation

It is important to note that wild bulls and cows in Chernobyl perform very important work. They eaten the remnants of annual plants, and in significant quantities. At the same time, they are poured with their hooves in the forests, and saturate them with nutritional things. Thanks to this, the forests restore their former look. It remains to hope that everything will be fine with the wild animals. Soothes the moment that the exclusion zone is constantly under the supervision and scientists regularly follow the state of animals.

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On our site there are many articles about the Chernobyl NPP, especially a lot of them came after the series "Chernobyl" from HBO. One of the most unusual materials on this topic, I consider the news about Vodka "Atomik", which is made from Chernobyl water and radioactive ingredients. In the samples used for the manufacture of rye vodka, a large concentration of strontium-90 was detected. What do you think is how dangerous is this drink? The answer is looking for this link.

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