Gifts of America. Blackberry varieties adapted to cultivation in the middle lane


    Good afternoon, my reader. Any gardener can enjoy blackberry harvest. Despite the fact that the birthplace of culture is America, many shrub varieties are well adapted to growing in the middle lane of Russia. It is about such varieties of garden blackberries and tell.

    Gifts of America. Blackberry varieties adapted to cultivation in the middle lane 1109_1
    Gifts of America. Blackberry varieties adapted to cultivation in the middle lane Maria Verbilkova

    Vertical shoots of this variety bring harvest of brilliant black berries, whose weight can be from 3 to 5 grams. On one bush, blackberries usually collect about 8-10 kilograms of fruits. Inside the berries contain a pleasant pulp taste. As it matures, it is saturated with sugar, it suggests that the fruits begin to deteriorate.

    Agavam's bushes steadically carry frost to -30 ° C. The harvest of this variety is collected in August or early September.

    Large (weight from 7 to 9 grams) of the conical form of fruits Apache is slightly flashing. The flesh of berries value for the saturated yielding taste taste. One bush brings 6-8 kilograms of fruits. The variety is distinguished by the fitness of the berry for transportation - they do not have the properties to rot and lose a presentable view during transportation.

    Gifts of America. Blackberry varieties adapted to cultivation in the middle lane 1109_2
    Gifts of America. Blackberry varieties adapted to cultivation in the middle lane Maria Verbilkova

    The shoots of this variety are sensitive to heat and cold, however, such simple techniques like drip irrigation and the creation of shelter for the winter will help keep blackberry bushes intact. Speakers Apache harvest by mid-July.

    The powerful branches of Black Satin bushes do not require garters - after their length reaches 1.5-2 meters, they begin to shame on the ground. The bushes retire rounded dark berries, whose weight can be from 4 to 7 grams. You can collect up to 17 kilograms of sweet fruits from one bush.

    The shoots of this hybrid bring a large crop (weighing from 8 to 10 grams) elongated berries. From one bush, you can collect 8-12 kilograms of fruits whose flesh is distinguished by pleasant taste and flavor. Berries are adapted to transport, can be frozen or used in fresh. It is worth mentioning that the leaves of the shoots of Karaki Black are prone to yellowing, such a phenomenon does not testify about the disease of the plant.

    The harvest of this variety is sleeping throughout the summer. The stability of the Karaki black to diseases, pests and adverse weather conditions leaves much to be desired.

    Vertical shoots of this variety do not require support. One bush Ruben can bring up to 13-15 kilograms of large sweet berries, the weight of each of which is usually from 8 to 10 grams. The fruits are perfectly transferred to transportation, they are used in the manufacture of jams and beverages, are in a fresh form.

    The shoots of Rubene frost resistant, fruit from the end of August to the end of October.

    Unpretentious grade is recognized as one of the best for growing in a temperate climate. From one bush of Thorfrey, you can collect 13-15 kilograms of pleasant to the taste of fleshy berries. The weight of the fetus is usually 7-9 grams.

    Gifts of America. Blackberry varieties adapted to cultivation in the middle lane 1109_3
    Gifts of America. Blackberry varieties adapted to cultivation in the middle lane Maria Verbilkova

    The shoots of this variety are resistant to frozen and are not subjected to pest attacks. Vintage Tornfri is collected in August.

    Chester shoots have a property to step along the ground, they are sometimes tested to the grind to ensure optimal conditions for the development of the plant. One bush brings 15-20 kilograms of dark blue shiny berries weighing from 5 to 7 grams, the pulp of fruit is distinguished by a characteristic sour-sweet taste. Berries are well transferred by its density.

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