Three new projectiles from the art in WOT. Other Mechanics and Other Features


New tactical options provided for artillery will help her better respond to the situation in battle and be the most effective for their team. The main innovation on the test is three different projectiles in the Arsenal SAU.

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As part of the testing of a new balance on the sandbox in 2020, the developers have increased the number of types of shells from artillery to three, adding the arsenal armor-pins. This system has received mixed reviews: the presence of three shells did not increase the adaptability of artillery, because the change of ammunition still occupied extremely long time. The armor-piercing shells, in turn, were not effective enough, besides, tankers did not suit the cost of new ammunition. Yes, and players on other types of technology did not receive the desired changes.

At the same time, three different shells in the artillery arsenal and a decrease in the volume of stunning at the conceptual level came to players in the soul, so the developers did not refuse the hypothesis and began to refine it.

Now things are so that the artillery person chooses, in fact, small. For example, you can consider the object 261: it has a basic cheap projectile with an acceptable radius of fragments of fragments, and there is a very special special, who has only one advantage - a little more ross. Even paying more loans, the player does not expand its choice.

On the test server, the sandbox in 2021 is made of greater variety and the third tactical projectile is added, and the characteristics of the functions are adjusted.

Basic shell

In the new system, the object 261, like other SAU, the first shell is a basic fragmentation-fuz. He has a relatively large radius of fragments of fragments, and he will still apply damage and stunned the enemy, but will lose the opportunity to critically damage the inner modules and the crew during incompletes. Its armor will remain the same as now, but the basic value of the damage will be lower than the current indicators for ten percent.

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The second projectile is alternative. He is also a fragantive-fuza, but he does not have a stunning effect. The radius of the separation of its fragments is two times less than that of the basic, and the area of ​​the lesion is four times less. But it is about 50 percent of armor-proof from its current indicators, and the damage is 10 percent. In addition, in contrast to the base projectile, it can damage internal modules and crew.

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Finally the third projectile is tactical. The object 261 is armor-piercing, although in the case of some machines it can be cumulative. This is a useful, but a situational projectile, which is noticeably different from those that once had artillery. Unlike fugasal shells, he has no separation of fragments and stunning, he can hit only one goal.

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But the damage at breakfast is noticeably higher than that of a fugasic projectile in the case of incompetes. The tactical projectile has proofrucks about 4-6 times higher than that of fugasal ammunition. Such projectiles players will use not as often as fugas. Presumably their share can be up to 20 percent of all shots.

That in the end

In the new system of artillery, each shell differs significantly from others and is suitable for different tactical situations. Thanks to the three types of shells in Arsenal, the object 261 will be able to respond differently to the situation in battle: the basic projectile is the easiest in use, they will not apply a lot of damage, but it turns out to hook several goals at once, just overlooking them. An alternative projectile when it is possible to apply a high damage with direct hit, and the armor-piercing projectile is the best option to shoot hard for armored slow tanks, especially if they use an anti-skip paddle.

The artilleryman will not work effectively, using only one type of projectile. The key to success will be the competent combination of ammunition, taking into account the combat situation.

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