Amazon delivers complained about "inhuman" conditions: they are forced to urinate in the bottle. The company denies this


Amazon knows about the problem since May 2020, the sources of the intercept are reported.

Amazon has denied reports that the deligances were forced to urinate in bottles due to the lack of access to the toilet by writing about it on Twitter.

But the internal correspondence shows that the company knows about this problem at least a few months, writes the intercept. The publication has studied the documents provided by Amazon employees: in one of the orders sent in May 2020, employees made a warning for urination into bottles and feces in bags during operation.

Amazon delivers complained about
Order Amazon Logistics. Posted by: photo The intercept

"Tonight, one of the employees discovered human feces in the bag that the driver returned to the station," the letter says. "This is the third case over the past two months, when the bags were returned to the station with faeces inside. We understand that shipping drivers may emerge emergencies on the road, "the company representative writes, but notes that" such behavior is unacceptable. "

Sources told the publication that this issue was often raised during the internal discussions. Former Amazon employee in a conversation with The Intercept said that drivers "implicitly forced to do it, otherwise we will eventually lose work due to the too large number of devivalent packages."

This is not the first time Amazon employees talk about the problem of "inhuman" conditions. Previously, they complained about recycling, and they said that they need to take a daily to the water bottles in order not to be late with delivery.

The problems were written on Reddit: delivery drivers argue that they often have to urinate in bottles due to the lack of breaks in work, especially due to the fact that the pandemic led to an increase in the number of delivery.

The company also follows his employees and in every way prevents the emergence of trade unions: according to human rights defenders, the company has special "scouts", and employees compare the work with the plot of the Much Lord.

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