The nutritionist talked about the rules of adherence

The nutritionist talked about the rules of adherence 11068_1

The main nutritionist of the Department of Health of Moscow Antonina Starodubova said that it was not possible to observe the post, and also gave advice, how to fast without harm to health.

According to experts, children, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people and people with diseases are not recommended to fast. At the same time, the foods of animal origin should be noted on products containing a sufficient amount of protein of plant origin.

It is important to understand that the post is not a diet, Starodubova noted. With incorrectly organized nutrition, it is possible to deteriorate the state of health and health, even in healthy people. Therefore, if you have decided to follow the post, focus on your well-being and, in case of its deterioration, consult a doctor.

The specialist reminded that energy consumption with food should correspond to its consumption during the day. Therefore, it is necessary to try to eat so that during the rate of the diet was balanced by the main nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Antonina Starodubova: "Make sure that there is enough vegetables and fruits in the diet. They should be approximately half of the total daily diet. Try to use at least 400 grams of vegetables per day without taking into account potatoes. Drink vegetable oils as a source of fats daily.

During the post, most of the diet is food rich in carbohydrates. It is worth avoiding unnecessary consumption of sugar and confectionery, products from the flour of the highest grade, sweet drinks. It is necessary to limit the use of salt, as well as the consumption of pickles and marinades.

The nutritionist talked about the rules of adherence 11068_2
Orthodox believers began the great post

Today, Orthodox Christians began the great post - the time of preparation for the chief church holiday, Easter. This year it falls on May 2. The great post is the strictest and long, it lasts 48 days. Believers are recommended to refrain from animal products and devote themselves to spiritual work. It is believed that the post should be started with reconciliation. Therefore, the eve of believers, according to tradition, asked each other for forgiveness.

Based on: RIA Novosti.

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