Details of the overall update test 1.11.1 in World of Tanks


We begin the overall update test 1.11.1. Italian heavy tanks of high levels are waiting for you - four cars VII-X levels. In addition, we add new opportunities to the co-search system, as well as we refine some interfaces to make them clearer and more convenient. Go.


  • Meet italian hard tanks!
  • Platoon 2.0
  • Improved interface
  • Other changes

Meet italian hard tanks!

In the update 1.11.1, a new branch of Italian hard tanks will appear in the game. Her study will begin with VI P.43 BIS. There will be four car studied in the branch.

The first machine will become Carro d'Assalto P.88. This storming machine VII level is at the junction of ST and TT. At the same time, its gaming process is rather reminiscent of the game on medium tanks. Next after it, you can explore the PROGETTO CC55 MOD. 54 (VIII level), Progetto C50 MOD. 66 (IX level), as well as Grozny Rinoceronte, which will become the "top" branch. In the VII-IX levels there will be four crew members, Rinoceronte - three.

* If you have not yet explored the branch of Italian tanks to the VI level, now it's time to prepare for the release of new cars. And do not forget about the branch of the New Year's technology, in which there can be up to 6 slots, providing a special bonus to experience in random battles depending on the class. Use bonuses while there is an opportunity. When Italian hard tanks appear, the event "New Year's Offensive" will be completed and bonus slots will not be available.

All Italian "heavy" boasts good UVN and excellent tools. Dynamic and maneuverable, these tanks are capable of surviving in battle, without blocking enemy shells, but quickly leaving dangerous positions. However, their main feature is a modified processing mechanism. It is available from the VIII level.

With a modified recovery mechanic, the average values ​​of one-time damage and damage per minute of Italian "heavy" turn into serious fireproof, making these machines universal in battle.

Read more about the modified recovery mechanics

In the standard dozen mechanics there is one nuance: if you shoot before the next projectile is charged, the entire charging process will begin again. It limits tactical actions and makes it difficult to make a difficult choice: shoot and lose a shell, which is about to be charged, or lose a chance to damage damage right now and wait for the second projectile to charge more damage later.

The modified recovery mechanic solves the problem of a difficult choice. When a shot (when the new projectile is almost charged), the process of charging the next projectile will not be completely reversed, and get a reload bonus, and the less time it remains until the end of the recharge, the greater this bonus will be.

The bonus begins to accumulate immediately after recharging, and you will see it on the first of four special indicators. The second indicator will show that you have a 16% bonus for recharging. The third indicator will work when the bonus reaches 33%. Two seconds before the end of the charge charge, the last indicator will appear, showing that you have a maximum recharge bonus - 50%. In addition, when the bonus becomes the maximum, you will hear a special audio notification.

As a result, the reload bonus will save you the precious seconds necessary when making various tactical solutions.

Platoon 2.0

In the update 1.11.1, we plan to add the functionality of "platoon 2.0" with new features that will help you to seek matchmakers right in the hangar, not limited to the list of your friends. We want to introduce this functionality in random battles, but may later add it to other game modes, so watch the news!

In the current system, you can invite only your friends to the platoon. With the release of the functionality of "platoon 2.0" you can search for players for a platoon game using various filters.

You can:

  • Use the "Create Telight" button as usual to invite players from your list of friends. Free slots in the platoon can be filled by clicking the "Find Players" button in the corresponding menu. However, remember that the search for players will cancel all your open invitations.
  • Select several levels of technology to find players who are best suited for your platoon.
  • Search for players who are enabled (or disabled) voice communication in the game. But even if you activate this option, you still can disable voice communication for individual platoon players.

Thanks to the updated functionality, you will see those tanks right in the hangar that the matching are ready to take into battle. At the same time, all the elements of the appearance will be displayed. You can enable or disable this option in the game settings.

When selecting the players for the platoon, the technique will be taken into account in the hangar, the amount of battle played and, most importantly, their WTR rating. This will help you find players with a similar technique or similar skill level and game achievements.

In the new system, you can still create dynamic platforms, where all fighters will also receive a bonus for the experience. If there is a player with a tank premium account in the platoon, the entire platoon will receive an additional bonus to loans.

When playing in dynamic platforms, voice communication is disabled by default, but you can enable it after join the suspension.

Your friends are always there and ready to stand shoulder to the shoulder on the first call? We have excellent news: in the updated system, everything will work as before. Additional options do not replace existing functionality.

Improved interface

We also work on improving various interfaces and adding better solutions from popular game modifications to the game. These changes will help make the game more convenient, and the gameplay is more pleasant.

  1. Now you can turn on the detection circle (T.N. X-ray) on the mini card. We are a radius of 50 meters by a radius of 50 meters, within which any technique becomes unconditionally discovered. Once in a circle of detection, you will automatically see the enemy - just like it. Enable this option to simplify the orientation on the battlefield.
  2. Damaged modules will receive a timer of automatic repairs, which will replace the existing indicator. Now you can know exactly when one or another module will be renovated. This will help to use equipment at the most suitable moment. * As in the previous case, this option can be turned on manually in the game settings.
  3. Finally, now when entering World of Tanks, the game client will remember the selected server and will automatically select it at the following launch of the game.

Other changes

Personal tokens:
  • Now the tokens of other players are displayed in the summary of their achievements.
  • Now the tokens are displayed in the general battle.
  • Fixed some errors.
Changes in technician parameters:


For testing by super sensors added cars:

  • Kunze Panzer

Great Britain.

For testing SuperTesters added Machine:

  • Charlemagne.
Details of the overall update test 1.11.1 in World of Tanks 11065_1
Details of the overall update test 1.11.1 in World of Tanks 11065_2
Details of the overall update test 1.11.1 in World of Tanks 11065_3
Details of the overall update test 1.11.1 in World of Tanks 11065_4

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