What do you need to do to get rich? How to become rich?: Action Algorithm

What do you need to do to get rich? How to become rich?: Action Algorithm 11055_1
Photo: Depositphotos.

"What for rich happiness? The same thing as for happy wealth is just part of the whole whole. " This formula brought Lao Zi. In the first part of the "TRACT" on how to become rich, I reasoned about the philosophy of the question, now let's move on to a specific "how?", That is, to practical advice.

1. Enter the circle of people whose money is either terribly much, or a lot or quite a lot. Do you think it is impossible? And the Internet, Google, Twitter for what? Yes, these people are suspicious and skeptical. Yes, if you now rotate outside this circle, you will not enter it instantly, you will have to work.

2. Find out that for these people it is important and what they have a little, that is, the deficit of what they are experiencing. If you think that there is nothing deficient for such people, you are deeply mistaken. Man, even very rich, can not have absolutely everything!

What do you need to do to get rich? How to become rich?: Action Algorithm 11055_2
Enter the circle of people who have a lot of money Photo: Depositphotos

3. Information lying on the surface is often erroneous. Kopinate deeper, the spelling conclusions, as a rule, are only harmful. Listen and communicate, and then think, analyze, test the information found. Make sure the information collected by you corresponds to the truth. How? We read the next item ...

4. It is vital to become famous in this circle, to gain trust and reputation as an expert. Even if you find anything at first, you will be consumed with you, that is, to share confidential information. And the information in these circles is very expensive! Yes, the reputation is designed not easy. I still need! Yes, on different people you will influence the unequal, but the person with a reputation of the expert causes respect automatically.

5. Give people this circle (rich and very rich) to try the "deficit" that you have prepared "only for them." Of course, not everyone will want to "try" immediately, but if you have chosen the right way to inform, the "pioneers" will follow more and more people.

What do you need to do to get rich? How to become rich?: Action Algorithm 11055_3
Become an expert photo: Depositphotos

6. Call the desire to buy it.

7. Set sales and service to stream. All the time expand business deep and styling. At the same time, try to actively interfere with your part as possible as possible. Build business as a system that regulates itself. Try to work less, and think and invent what no one has done, more.

8. Do not calm down, soiling on the laurels, compete compets will rush in the same niche, and there will be great "spinning". Immediately assemble the response plan.

9. Read once again the first sentence of the article. Money is just a part of your life, and there is no need to turn the whole life in chasing them. Rest and relax, do not take business all thoughts and all the time of your life.

10. Regularly return to paragraph 2. Make it just a habit.

What do you need to do to get rich? How to become rich?: Action Algorithm 11055_4
Do not stop the photos: Depositphotos


No, not everything! Keep your uniqueness, whatever it cost you. If you are similar to others, the "public" will immediately lose interest.

And "For a snack" - the old Jewish saying:

Smart learn on other people's mistakes, stupid - on their own, and the rich on those and others make money!

Maybe it's time to become exactly the same (such)?

Author - Mikhail Gruzdev

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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