What color to paint the bedroom


The classic white surface coating in the rooms has not been fashionable for a long time. What color today is relevant to check out the space and paint the bedroom in the apartment.?

Designers recommend playing on the contrast, and with a monotonous snow-white ceiling coating, choose bright paints for vertical surfaces. It is important to remember that the colors of the environment directly affects the well-being and mood of the owners.

Place for recreation brings a relaxing atmosphere and because you decide to paint all the walls in your bedroom, the quality of sleep depends.

Preference to pink, blue, beige or green tones and avoid bright and screaming colors, they are allowed only in small decorative elements.

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Parameters for the correct palette

Consider the location of the room relative to the sun and choose how to paint it. For the south side, the walls are separated by light muted tones, artificially creating coolness, not to the detriment of natural lighting of the bedroom. The photos of professionals are often found combinations of white, gray, lavender, lemon, pistachio, light blue paints.

For the northern room, they choose warm paints. In which gamma to create an interior for space on the north side. Suitable color like milk, coffee and all shades of beige and brown. It is better to paint golden, yellow, terracotta and peach tones bedroom if it is small and darkened.

The size matters, and in whatever original manner you did not come up with the separation of the room, saturated and dark color always reduces the space. It is recommended to paint the two-three nuances of cold or warm gamut to visually expand a little or muffle a large bedroom.

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Windows, their dimensions, the number and location play a role when it is selected in what color to paint the room harmoniously. The larger the natural sources of lighting, the darker or more original coloring in the bedroom, including gray, brown and black tones, is chosen. In the photo of designers there are options with one and even two dark walls, but with sufficient number of windows.

In what color to make a design and paint the vertical surfaces of the tiny room, we are not talking about, for a similar bedroom only light shades are chosen.

The furniture is selected either on the contrast with the main finish, or in the tone. Fashion trend: Which coloring the furniture is painted, this color is chosen for wall surfaces. If there is wooden panels in the room, you can paint the lining at the same shade as in the whole bedroom.

Effect of paints on the psyche

It is important to know how it is not recommended to separate the space for rest. The dark purple tone is considered unfavorable, but one of the verticals can be painted in a lavender kel.

Neither the bedroom, nor the Cabinet psychologists do not advise work in brown, black or marsal, so as not to suppress the mental state.

Red acts on a man exciting, whatever his tint you are seduced. Finishing in red from four sides will not take a rest or fall asleep. It is better to paint into neutral tones, and the walls or headboard bed decorated with red accents. Bright paintings or decorative lining are organically look at the bedroom.

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But yellow is welcome in the rest of the rest, no matter how his tone you do not use. With yellow, the creative beginning awakens, sometimes it is used as a main color, but designers recommend painting only wallpapers on one of the surfaces, and the remaining elements in the bedroom derived from it.

In the position lying, the person looks up, and in what color the ceiling space is decorated, also important. It is better not to experiment and paint the ceiling by traditional white paint, and with the rest of the surfaces in the bedroom are intimidated.

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