Legends and the history of Lutheran Kirch in Grodno: something is surprised for sure


Spinning plastic is similar to sculpture. The window-rose blooms forever, and the music of the Bach elevates and penetrates the soul. The Negotic Church of St. John admires tourists. This is the only acting Lutheran Kirch in our country.

Legends and the history of Lutheran Kirch in Grodno: something is surprised for sure 10994_1

Vladimir Tatarnikov, Pastor Lutheran Kirhi:

The authentic thing that has survived is a spiral staircase that leads us to the choir, where the body has historically been located.

Every Sunday morning an old bell convenes parishioners to the service. Moreover, a noble mission bears a hereditary rhodes, his grandfather also climbed along the screw staircase, says.

Vladimir Tatarnikov:

The story is very interesting and mysterious. One of the legends suggests that this bell was a gift of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1912, but he won in Yaroslavl and delivered here. The gift of the Orthodox Church, as they are opposite us, I think it was a friendly gesture during the opening.

The history of the temple began with the mild of the Grodno header of Anthony Tisengauus. In 1779, he invited Lutheran from Germany to work at the Royal Manufactory.

In 1793, the Polish king Stanislav II presented the religious community the building of the former tavern. On the first floor there were lunch, on the second - they prayed and conducted services in German. And then they started a large construction site, and by the 1912th Gothic Cathedral acquired his unique face. The building was stucked, built the pasto house, school - all for the merchant means, then Lutheran was a lot, about 200 families. The famous Grodno architect Michaelis was designed by the pearl, and the street even received the symbolic name of the Kirchovaya, now academic.

Vladimir Tatarnikov:

During the war, the temple suffered a little, the spire of the temple was destroyed. There are two versions. The first version: the spire was removed, because he was higher than the Orthodox Cathedral. Second version: There was a sniper in the temple and shot. When the Germans retreated, Kirch served as a landmark as a city center, which could be bombed here. When we restored our clockwork, two sleeves were found. We believe that the version where the sniper was - this is the most believable.

In Soviet times the dark band began. In Kirche equipped the archive. In church extensions, residents, furniture and chandeliers were confiscated for the meetings of the City Council, and the body was taken to the philharmonic. And only in the 95th light appeared, and the church returned the community again.

Restoration curtain dropped in 2015. They tried to save the story as much as possible. The luteran interior is ascetic, and there is its own ease and charm. Stained glass - as a brooch on a laconic dress. Wooden brackets give the ceiling highlight.

Side windows made of stained glass for the altar - original clean water. The ornament is posted in the form of a Lutheran symbol: roses, inside which hits the heart.

Vladimir Tatarnikov:

This style takes architectural beauty. For example, if we look at the ceiling and figuratively inverting it, then we will be with you in a boat - a boat symbol on which Jesus Christ is. Our Lutheran community in Grodno is small: about a hundred people. Of course, we have both Sunday schools and community meetings.

Grodno Kirch is called "Singing". The music here is spilled not only in worship services, but also at concerts, and you can listen to the classics and jazz. The wonderful authority was brought from Frankfurt am Main in 2015. 8 tons, 2.5 thousand pipes. To launch 22 tides and learn how to coordinate the arms and legs, the professional pianist faith Latasheva had to try to trough. But the music of the heavens gave forces.

Vera Latyshev, organic Lutheran Kirch, teacher of the Grodno State Music College:

Received a second higher education in the Belarusian Academy of Music as an organist. We have a rich concert life. Now it is relaxed with a pandemic, but we hope that everything will restore and we will spend the Festival of Organ Music. Organists came to us from Europe and even from America. Of course, people love to visit our Kirch, here their special spirit is present.

Vladimir Tatarnikov:

The most famous organist was Johann Bach, we consider it the fifth evangelist, because all his music is impregnated with stories from the Gospel. Acoustics is one of the best in our city.

Soon Kirch will ask a new rhythm to all Grodno. The vintage clock, which was silent since 1944, will be returned to the festival of national cultures on the tower. The relic was restored by Master from Mogilev. It must be said, the preservation was 70%, the remaining 30% with the missing details were ordered in the native German company, which in the distant 1913th restored them in the church. While the mechanism was put up for everyone to review.

Vladimir Tatarnikov:

This mechanism is unique to us by what it is open, we see, as each gear or each element works in a complete mechanism. And the most important thing is that people looking at this watch, they understood that time is not infinite, it goes away, tears. I think that soon the inhabitants and guests of our city will be able to check the clock on our o'clock, because there are four dials. This small dial for a watchmaker who will follow. The clock will beat every hour in accordance with your time.

And at least time is fleeting, eternity lives here.

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