Houses of two PSG footballers robbed during the match: Details of the incident

Houses of two PSG footballers robbed during the match: Details of the incident 10986_1

An unpleasant incident occurred with the players of the French Football Club PSG. During the mast against Nancta, it became known that attackers penetrated into the house of Angel di Marya and, threatening athlete's family, made valuable things. The coach was forced to make an emergency replacement to inform the football player about the incident, writes

Robbery of famous football players

March 14 in the evening "Paris Saint-Germain" was defeated from Nanta with a score of 2: 1, missing a chance to get out in the first place in the France championship. However, the match was overshadowed not only by the loss, but also an unpleasant incident relating to Angel Di Mary.

Houses of two PSG footballers robbed during the match: Details of the incident 10986_2
Angel di Maria. Photo: Instagram / Angeldimariajm

Cameras covering the match captured as Sports Director of PSG Leonardo talks to the coach Parisian. Then, at the 62nd minute of the game, the leader replaced the lead player than a lot surprised PSG fans, and led him to the locker room.

But later it became known why the coach took such a decision. The fact is that he was informed that unknown persons penetrated into the football player's house. At that time, the family di Mary was inside the house and was taken hostage. It is reported that the robbers managed to steal a football player from the real estate Safe, in which there were jewels and watches in the amount of at least 500,000 euros

Later it became known that another PSG footballer had similar problems. The parents of the defender of Markignos also became victims of robbery, during which the attackers kept them in hostages. "But no one has suffered, and everyone is healthy. The French authorities began an investigation," the Brazilian states.

Despite the news, the football player spent on the field all 90 minutes.

Houses of two PSG footballers robbed during the match: Details of the incident 10986_3
Markignos. Photo: instagram / marquinhosm5

"This is not an excuse, but during the break, we talked about things that are far from football," Mauricio Mauricio explained, answering the question why the team played poorly in the second half of the match.

It is worth noting that over the past 18 months, many of the players "Paris Saint-Germain" suffered from the hands of thieves. Sergio Rico, Thiago Silva and others became victims of robbery at different times.

But sometimes attackers make their ways to other people's houses in at most good time. So, the mansion of the late Italian football player Paolo Ross robbed during his funeral.

Main photo: Instagram / Angeldimariajm

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