How to pick up a branch for vaccination: General recommendations


    Good afternoon, my reader. Performing vaccinations on young trees and shrubs is one of the most difficult tasks for the gardener. It requires compliance with many rules, in particular, recommendations for the selection of branches (stock), to which a cutlength (cable) or kidney will be added. So that you can cope with this task, we will examine how to choose a suitable place to vaccinate a tree or shrub.

    How to pick up a branch for vaccination: General recommendations 1098_1
    How to pick up a branch for vaccination: General recommendations Maria Verbilkova

    The solution to this task directly depends on how exactly you will vaccinate a tree: for the boron, in the split, by the method of copulating. Among the general requirements for ingredients are: a good condition of the bark, a large number of kidneys, no damage. However, for each method of vaccinations there are additional recommendations for the selection of the branch. Consider them more detailed.

    This type of vaccination is suitable for young (up to two years) trees and shrubs. For him, they choose a branch that will coincide with a cutter in thickness. It usually its diameter is from 2.5 to 5 cm.

    The copulings itself is carried out like this:

    • On the branch and on the cutting, they make slaughter cuts and cuts to educate languages.
    • In stock and the lead is folded so that their tongues get clogged with each other.
    • The place of vaccinations are wrapped with a tape.
    How to pick up a branch for vaccination: General recommendations 1098_2
    How to pick up a branch for vaccination: General recommendations Maria Verbilkova

    For this method, we choose wide branches in which you can insert at least two cuttings. They are lying, leaving 20-30 cm, make a cut in them with a depth of 5 cm and put in it. The location around the cut is thoroughly treated with garden ward and closed with a tape.

    Another common method of hanging cuttings for plants over three years old. To perform such vaccinations, thick (up to 20 cm) branches are chosen. The procedure itself is carried out like this:

    1. The branch is cut at a height of 100 cm from the ground or 40 cm from the barrel.
    2. On the fresh cut, with a special knife, an incision deplying in 4 cm and gently lifted by the bark of the tree.
    3. In the split between the bark and the main part of the branch insert the cuttings. Scroll is treated with garden harvest, and the vaccination place is additionally covered with a tape.

    As a cutlets for such a vaccination, it is better to use branches with a diameter to 2.5 cm. If possible, choose cuttings with a large number of kidneys.

    This procedure is also called eyepiece. It is used to rejuvenate wood, wild grades and increase yields. It is recommended to conduct it in the summer.

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