"We now have almost martial law." Margarita Yudina - about the silovick hit her, problems with health and pressure of the authorities after complaints


Margarita Yudina, which a police officer struck on January 23, continues to experience health problems. Shortly after discharge from Research Institute, Janelidze was re-hospitalized. And when Yudina decided to apply in the SC, officials were interested in her children. The woman left the meadow, fearing that the sons would be taken to the army, and the daughter is the bodies of the guardianship.

Now Margarita is hiding in the apartment in St. Petersburg. She calls the current situation with "Military Regulations". "Paper" talked to Margarita Yudina on how her life changed after January 23.

Margarita Yudina. Photo: Frame from the video "Team 29"

About health problems after hitting a policeman

- The edge hurts - there, apparently, the crack. I stopped drinking painkillers and immediately felt that there was not all right. The bump on the head does not pass.

Doctors [in the Research Institute of Janelidze] gave me lime results that do not correspond to reality. The discharge says that I am perfectly a healthy person. In the second hospital [on employees], too, apparently, began to put pressure, and from there they tried to write it quickly. I was not yet recovered, I felt badly, I saw anesthetia.

The state of the brain was reflected in the state: there was an inhibition, memory problems, scattered. Now quietly restores normal thinking. Lawyer all the time tells me to go to the doctor about the rib and the cranial injury, but I simply do not have time: a lot of things with children, with relocation.

About the pressure of the authorities and fear for children

"We are now hiding in St. Petersburg, we took the apartment for donations (Margarita lives in the meadow - approx." Paper "). We now have an abnormal life, many problems are practically "martial law". Children almost do not go out. I have to go to the meadow to feed cats, heat the oven there. I have four cats for nine months, I did not have time to attach them. If someone wants to take, we sterilize and give.

Cats Margarita Yudina. Photo provided by Margarita

I do not know if all this will end. Lawyers, public opinion, are defended me now. But we will not leave alone. I was told that the daughter was registered in the children's room of the police and want to send my sons to the army.

The middle son is a disabled person without [official] disability, he has diabetes of the first type. Before that, his disability has stood, but the document has expired in 2019. Two years already lasts red troops with the Commission, it is impossible to pass doctors.

The eldest son was injured many times, he was beaten at school. I will not give it to the army with its bullying and grandfathers.

The fact that the sons of Margarita Yudina can pick up in the army, because they did not register with the military enlistment office after returning from Germany in 2017, he spoke on January 28, the head of the Lenzovsky district of Leningrad region Yuri Namliyev. According to Namliyev, the guardianship bodies are also interested in the living conditions of the minor daughter Yudina and the fact that it does not go to school. In the Team 29, they reported that the representatives of the prosecutor's office and guardianship bodies were announced next to the Yudine's house in the meadow.

As the lawyer of Margarita Yevgeny Smirnov explained to "Paper", the middle son due to disabilities cannot be called, none of the military registration and enlistment office. According to him, today the pressure from the authorities is not visible. However, Smirnov says that behind the Yudine for two weeks after discharge from the hospital was survened.

About the video with the apologies of the policeman who was filmed in the hospital

- I am mercy for the fact that I did not succumb to tricks and provocations. I lay in the hospital, crippled, in a half-consistent state, without clothes and phone. I was, in fact, the hostage. This shooting (video, on which a policeman brings an apology on the hospital shower Yudina, was published on January 24, on January 24 - approx. "Paper") was a provocation - they had forgive me forgiveness in the ward all day which no one should have allowed.

I was given on me. I was afraid that they would win on my children if I would throw them out or did not go out. I was afraid that they can finish me psychologically. I could not call the children, could not even leave the hospital. The ward guarded a man in a police uniform. There was complete helplessness.

The guy who came with flowers - I'm not even sure that this is the guy [who hit me] (the policeman brought apologies in a protective mask - approx. "Paper"). If this is he, [then I believe that] he really repents, I forgive him. But these ghouls who played the provocation on the camera - I do not forgive them. It was a solid hypocrisy.

I sincerely accepted apologies then. This guy cried. And the other people then said me that he did not see anything that he splashed in him. Then, when I was kicked out home, they took a police car, I realized that I just got rid of me. I began to remember: how did he not see if he hit him? If he looked straight in my eyes - and no took no one (there is really no visible on the video that a policeman had not taken away from the face - approx. "Paper")? I realized that it was all a lie.

If they ask for forgiveness, it is assumed that such actions are not allowed to continue. I hoped that they would no longer throw on the people. And they did not stop. I could not watch the video from the action on January 31, I was bad, as they mocked people. Why do I apologize to me if this is a dummy.

Vladimir Solovyov perfectly knows that this blow was not a production (Solovyov in one of his esters hinting at Youtyuba, that Yudina could specially reach the police officer, so that it fell on the camera - approx. "Paper"). He sold his conscience for very much money.

About the attitude towards the security forces

- People brought. There are those who have not come out before. We do not go out for power, we understand that the government does not listen that they have no conscience. We go out to show people that you can not sit at home, you can not be indifferent. And we leave for the security forces so that they see us, they came up and served the people.

Normal police in such situations passes towards the people, because it is part of the people. I am surprised hard behavior. Why did they still not understand anything? Why don't they see how their neighbors and relatives live?

This guy, [who hit me], Kolya (during the attachment of apologies, the Silovik introduced himself as Kolya - approx. "Paper") - I do not think that he was born. Maybe he was bang in childhood, they humiliated at school, then human dignity was knocked out in the army. I feel sorry for me, because he comes to my sons. I blame for him, but the system that makes animals from people. Therefore, we filed the statement on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and not on the guy (lawyer Evgeny Smirnov informed "Paper" that there is no official response to the application - approx. "Paper").

About donations and desire to help political prisoners

- We closed loans, huge thanks [those who collected money]! Otherwise, the bailiffs would have dragged everything more or less normal from the house, with such work earned. The son-diabetic worked to buy furniture, he himself equipped the kitchen. All this would be taken, including the computer collected them - and the laptop, which he sent a peer from Dagestan as a gift.

I think unfair to me to take the money that the people collect. Part I will take the treatment of a child, repair, emergency needs. But everything else needs to be directed to help those who went to protest. Detained, political prisoner, physically crippled. I would like to further help them and enlighten those who deceive propaganda.

Thanks to non-indifferent people [have food and household items]. I will not stay in debt to you and I will also help everyone.

About what happened to Margarita Yudina immediately after she decided to complain to the SC, read here.

On the action on January 31, the activist was detained with a disability of vision - this is his conversation with the police.

"Paper" talked with five detainees on the stock on February 2. Read their stories about the night in the separation without water, food and the opportunity to sleep.

Read how February 14 in St. Petersburg passed the action "Love is stronger than fear". Hundreds of people went outside with lanterns.

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