Anton Bogdanov will remove his second children's film in Perm - about New Year's Eve Semenov

Anton Bogdanov will remove his second children's film in Perm - about New Year's Eve Semenov 10963_1

Actor Anton Bogdanov Actor Anton Bogdanov will be removed in his homeland, in the Kama region: this time the chief hero of his picture will be the famous New Yearbook of Semenov, created in 1962 by the writer Lvom Davydichev.

Anton Bogdanov recently finished work on his debut film inclusive comedy normal only I (6+), where he acted as director, actor and author script. The picture was filmed in Moscow by Film Company Avenue of the World in which Anton is also a general director. The following children participated in the filming, with whom the director met in the Perm inclusive camp a new city friendly.

Since December, children's castings are published in Perm and Moscow: now children's castings are published: now looking for artist's leading role for the film on the story of Lion Davydachev, full of adversity and dangers of the life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and the New Year. In parallel, the Fiberglass is preparing locations for filming. According to Vrio, the head of Perm Alexei Dhamkin, 10 schools have already been selected, as well as several streets and parks of the city.

In a new film with the working title, the Multidrop Life of the New Year SEMENOVA Anton Bogdanov acts as a director and the general producer. From professional actors, he hopes to attract Ivan Urgant to the shooting, Svetlana Ustinov, Viktor Dobronravova, Yuri Borisov. Note that in the picture normal only I starred Konstantin Khabensky, Maxim Vitorgan, Olga Lerman and Standap-comic Sergeich.

Anton Bogdanov, Anton Bogdanov, will be launched in the summer of 2021. The tape of the New Year citizen Semenov will become one of the contenders for Ribeit from the regional government of the reimbursement of half the costs produced in the territory of the Kama.

Recall that in 1966, in Perm, the film was already filmed on the story of Leo Davydachev: he was called three and a half days from Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a reagent (director Konstantin Berezovsky). The film has repeatedly shown on television and was purchased for rent 37 countries.


Actor Anton Bogdanov became known to a wide viewer after filming in the series Real boys and films of the Christmas tree 1914, new Christmas trees, Christmas trees. The most bright of his filmmakes of recent years have become the roles in the paintings of T-34, according to the laws of military time-2, the fire and the series Polar.

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