Senator: External debt KTZ is T1.9 trillion


Senator: External debt KTZ is T1.9 trillion

Senator: External debt KTZ is T1.9 trillion

Astana. 28 January. KazTag - Valentina Vladimirskaya. The foreign debt of JSC NK Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZh) is equal to T1.9 trillion, said the deputy of the Senate of RK Sagynddyk Lukpan.

"The external debt of the main operator of the railway industry is equal to T1.9 trillion. At the same time, state subsidies over the past five years amounted to T171 billion, "Lukpanov said at the Deputy Review of the RK Prime Minister at a meeting of the Senate on Thursday.

According to him, since 2011, KTZ as a national transport and logistics holding, provides services and infrastructure not only by rail, but also automotive, aviation and sea transport. Until recently, airports, a road sector, MCGOS MCGOS were in the management of KTZ.

"Only in 2017, financial assistance was provided to the International Airport in Astana in the amount of T27.5 billion. Today, the company continues to manage Morport to Aktau," Lukpan said.

For a long time, despite the constant need for assussidation, considerable funds are spent on the development of third-party projects to the detriment of the main activity, accused Senator KTZ.

A significant part of the Kazakhstan railway fleet is, according to his data, in a worn state, unlike the recent replenishment of the park, for example, Russian Railways with a building rate of 160 km / h and operation in Uzbekistan since 2011, AFROSIYOB electric trains at a speed of 250 km / h.

In the field of freight transportation there is cross-subsidization of socially significant cargo due to high-yield cargoes, passenger traffic - due to freight. According to the senator, in 2019, 78% of cargo turnover was transported by tariffs below the cost, as well as more than 70% - T46 billion costs for passenger locomotive traction were covered at the expense of freight traffic.

Kazakhstan is significantly lagging behind other countries in the development of rail network. The operational length of the railway tracks of common use in Kazakhstan is 16.6 km, of which only 4.2 thousand km are accounted for by electrified lines, while the length of the railways of Russia is 85.5 thousand km, electrified lines - 43.7 thousand . Km, France - 29 thousand km and 15 thousand km, respectively, added Lukpanov.

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