In 8 episode "Vanda / Vizhn" first named the name of the witch's scarlet and revealed the mystery of Vizhn

In 8 episode
Frame from the series "Wanda / Vizhn"

Disney + released 8 and the penultimate episode of the Marvel Studios "Wanda / Vision" series, and he made the next most important changes to the film.

Perforation-3-pikes Attention, in the text Spoilers! Perforation-3-pix

In the new incredibly exciting and interesting series of Witch Agat Harkness (Catherine Khan), who pretended to be a good-natured neighbor Agnes, and Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) went to the "walk" on the memoirs of the witch scarlet. We were brightly hinting that the heroine had supernatural abilities before contact with the mind of the mind, which in fact only strengthened the existing forces.

At the time of contact with the stone, the mind even showed the cult image of the scarlet witch from Marvel comic. In a similar dress, the heroine was in the episode with the celebration of Halloween, which simultaneously became Easter to comics and hint that Wanda had already seen herself in this form. Probably it was a glimpse of the future.

In 8 episode
Frame from the series "Wanda / Vizhn"

And at the end of the episode, Agata grabbed the sons of Vanda and told her that she enjoys "Magic of Chaos." Mighty sorceress stated that Wanda is incredibly dangerous. And in this scene, it was Agat for the first time for MCU called Wanda Scarlet Witch. Twitter is actively discussing twist and write this kind of enthusiastic posts:

"Agatha finally called Wanda Scarlet Witch. I can not wait for the next Friday anymore. "

Another 8 episode "Vanda / Vizhn" was the second for the series scene after the titles (we first disassembled here). In this episode, it turned out that in the framework of the "Cataract" project "" Tyler Hayward (Josh Stamberg) wanted to gather Vizhn (Paul Bettani) again. It was able to complete the case with the help of Vanda magic particles.

Vihn from Sitkom-Anomaly was created by Wanda without a beloved body, the heroine, as it turned out, did not take the soulless shell of the hero. The new VIZHN appeared absolutely white, as it was in comics, so many fans waited for such a turn of events.

In 8 episode
Frame from the series "Wanda / Vizhn"

This is an insensible VIZHN, which is deprived of the previous memories. Perhaps his new powerful "weapon" Tyler will decide to send against the scarlet witches and other superheroes that obviously hates. Will the Wante be able to return his former "soul" updated Vizhn? We find out in the final series!

The final 9 episode of the series "Wanda / Vizhn" Jacqueline Schaeffer will be released on March 5.

See also: "Wanda / Vizhn": the most bold experiment of the film marvel

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