Three Russians and one Japanese: who will conquer the medal of the World Cup for figure skating

Three Russians and one Japanese: who will conquer the medal of the World Cup for figure skating 10949_1

Three Russians and one Japanese: who will conquer the medal of the World Cup for figure skating

- Figure skating

Female single skating continues to remain intriguing and interesting discipline in the world of figure skating. At the coming world championship in Stockholm, the struggle is expected to be serious. At once, three Russians are considered favorites of the tournament, but they have a very serious rival - Rica Kihira, who stopped in a step from a medal in 2019. We tell about from whom to wait for medals on the World Cup of Figure Skating.

Three stars

The Russian national team on the world championship will be represented by three Russians: Anna Shcherbakova, Alexander Trussova and Elizabeth Tuktamysheva. From each of them you can safely wait for the sensation. Shcherbakov and Trusov surprise all with their most difficult jumps, and Lisa Tuktamysheva is an incredible perseverance and desire.

After the return of Alena Kosostna to Eter Tutberidze, Evgenia Plushenko remained one major asterisk - this is Alexander Troopsov. It is called the queen of four jumps. And indeed, for such arsenal with Sasha compete senselessly.

It is expected that in an arbitrary program, the Trusov will simply fulfill the phenomenal cascade of jumps from a quad and triple toulup, as well as perform a quad Lutz. We will add to this a cascade of Triple Lutz and Ritberger and get one of the most complex programs in the history of figure skating.

In this case, everything will depend on the cowardist itself. If it does not make mistakes and fulfill everything at the highest level, then the gold medal should be from her.

As for Anna Shcherbakova, the winner of the Russian Championship is punished and stated on an arbitrary program only one quadruple jump. For example, at the Russian Championship, Anna jumped two quadruple jumps, so the weakening of the program is not the most pleasant sign for its fans.

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The most important problem for Sherbakova is her health. We remember well how in the fall she suffered pneumonia, after which she rode at the Russian championship almost without power. We know that Ani is volitional character, but the World Championship is a completely different tournament. By nerves, according to status.

Behind the confrontation of the coward and Shcherbakova, Elizabeth Tuktamysheva turned out to be a bit in the shade. However, the "Nutrition" knows how to shoot when no one is waiting for this. For example, in November, when Lisa became the best at the Grand Prix of Russia.

True, it is not necessary to forget that in December she got to coronavirus, so her health state also causes some questions.

Japanese record holder

In 2019, at the last World Championship, sixteen-year-old Kihira surprised everyone, taking the fourth line. She gave way to Eugene Medvedeva just 31 thousand points. Ambitious Rica was upset, but now, according to her, she rides in Stockholm exclusively for victory.

Technical Arsenal Kihira is incredibly great. Let's start with the fact that she was the first in the world to fulfill the cascade of jumping from Triple Axel and Triple Toulup. On the upcoming championship of the world, she plans to fulfill a triple axel and a quadruple jump in an arbitrary program. Previously, this did not do.

Do not forget that at the current moment the Kihira is headed by the overall rating of the international union of skating.

If we talk about the opinion of experts, the chances of Shcherbakova and Kijira are rated above all - by 55% and 37%, respectively. In the coward and Tuktamyshev believe much more modest - 7% and 5%.

We, Russian fans, want to see in the three winners exclusively than our girls.

Maxim Malyukov


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