Makeup, which is old: how not to paint 35-year-old girls

Makeup, which is old: how not to paint 35-year-old girls 10941_1
Makeup, which is old: how not to paint 35-year-old girls

Makeup errors in youth are not as noticeable as in maturity. The impression is smoothed, if the skin is fresh, elastic. For spectacular age, some typical misses should be avoided.

Makeup 35+. Basic mistakes

The lack of skin training is a key problem. After 35 years, skin is rarely perfect. Age changes are few people able to avoid.

It should be adopted to fully prepare the face (wash, cleansing scrubs, tonization, cream use).

An important task is to align the shade and smoothing the relief. Great databases are important. Select the compositions that create inner radiance tightening the skin. On the jars are often listed such properties. Instant lifting, nutrition - useful effect.

Next typical slip - imperfect tone. Sustainable matting tones are not recommended to age girls, which are overpowered by the skin, highlighting irregularities and peeling. They should be replaced by BB-cream. Lovely nourishing fluids work well.

Consertion abuse is the next error. Standard age defect is a sonyuscia, swelling. Many simply use dense correctors.

These tools are often rolling, filling thin wrinkles. The look turns out even more tired. Age girls recommend looking for the most lightweight consilers. Moreover, the tone of the product must be harmonized with a shade of the skin.

Masking properties should depend not from the gustness of the consilert, but from the dose of pigments in it. Thanks to which it is possible to avoid the effect of the "plastered face".

Age Makeup. A couple of typical misses to such misses include:

1. The use of liquid eyelvering. After 35 years, the use of liquid liner requires special skill. Watery mass fills thin folds, superfluously emphasizes the eyes, highlights "paws".

And the hanging eyelid in maturity interferes even more, so liquid means are still noticeable on it. Makeup will turn out not just unsuccessful, but also sloppy.

Liquid liners should be replaced with soft pencils that are neatly chosen. Such makeup of the eye will be unobtrusive, soft, and the eyes are deep.

2. Application of dark lipsticks. Lips in maturity thinned. Dark pigments emphasize this defect, making lips thinner.

To the sponges do not resemble threads, you should forget about dark wine and berry pigments. Dark shades must be replaced with Nude. Pink subtock will emphasize a soft image, refreshing face. An additional barcode is a light layer of peach ermen.

3. Poor moisturizing. Moisturize the skin will have more often. One application of a lung cream will not be enough. With insufficient nutrition, the skin absorbs the entire tone layer.

In the evening it seems that the tone was not applied at all. Periodically refreshed, using thermal water. Natural hydrolates work well. You should leave these jars in the office to periodically spray your face.

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