Evening Novostroy.su: Metrostroy's plans threaten sellers of real estate, the second CAD will be built around St. Petersburg, the Russians migrate from megalopolises


The main news of today - in St. Petersburg was postponed the deadlines for the delivery of new metro stations. Experts told how it would affect the demand and prices for housing in locations left without a "subway". Also today the authorities announced that the second annular roadway will appear around the northern capital. Read about it and other news of St. Petersburg in digests from February 9.

Sound plans. The deadlines for passing the metro station "Mountain Institute" and "South-Western" postponed from 2023 to the end of 2024. Developers told how it would affect the sale of apartments in areas left without a "subway" for a year longer than was planned.

"In the long term, this will not affect the attractiveness of housing. But people who planned to resell an apartment after the opening of the subway at a higher price is likely to do it quickly will not work. Housing prices will grow slightly slower. In particular, in the south-west, the transport situation is complex and part of buyers, which count on the metro station will consider alternatives. Another thing is that with alternatives not easy. Changes in infrastructure plans are definitely affected by the development. But always need to take into account this factor as floating. The metro in St. Petersburg is being built slowly. On promising plans that created 25-30 years ago, the metro station in 2020 were even in Peterhof, "says Sergey Mokhnar, director of the Department of Development of the PSK GK.

Cad-2. The authorities of the Leningrad region intend to build a second roundabout road (CAD-2) around St. Petersburg. About this Governor of the region Alexander Drozdenko reported on the Council with the Deputy Head of the Government of the Russian Federation, Marat Husnullin. Sources of project financing are still unknown. The highway will be held from the "Scandinavian" highway through Vsevolozhsk and Kolpino to the road "Narva".

Deficient real estate. The number of sold apartments in St. Petersburg decreased by 50% for the 2020th, analysts of the Real Estate Agency Knight Frank say. 85% of the proposal now - service apartments. Due to the price deficit last year increased by 30%. For comparison, residential real estate has risen in St. Petersburg for the same period by 20%.

Mass relocation. From the beginning of the pandemic, 16% of Russians moved to live in another city, according to the portal "Lenta.ru" with reference to analysts. Most often, young people aged 18 to 24 years old were migrated - 25% of all who changed their place of residence. Share of citizens from 25 to 34 years - 20%. And moved for the sake of cheaper removable housing only 18% of people. More often than others, the place of residence changed citizens from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Kazan and Chelyabinsk.

Big money. From mid-April last year, Russians issued 371.5 thousand preferential mortgage loans worth more than 1 trillion rubles, Deputy General Director "Dom.rf" Denis Philippov said. The largest number of housing loans was issued in Moscow - 53 thousand to 295.4 billion rubles. In St. Petersburg, there were 40 thousand mortgages by 146.7 billion rubles.

Evening Novostroy.su: Metrostroy's plans threaten sellers of real estate, the second CAD will be built around St. Petersburg, the Russians migrate from megalopolises 10936_1
From the beginning of the pandemic, 16% of Russians moved to live in another city

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