How will the Tula region be selected from the "demographic pit"?

How will the Tula region be selected from the

The Government of the Tula region presented a roadmap to improve demographic indicators in the region.

Its main appointments: the stabilization of the number and composition of the population and increasing the accompanies of residence.

Order Develop such a document The Governor of the Tula Region Alexei Duchi gave an appointment with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which took place in November last year. The implementation of the project is designed for 2021-2024.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Tula region, Olga Gremyakova, the key form of project implementation will be the integrated interaction of regional authorities, local governments, non-commercial organizations and employers.

The stabilization of the number and composition of the population is planned to be achieved by supporting families at the birth of children, targeted support for pregnancies, assisting in housing arrangement and employment, as well as by attracting new qualified personnel to the region.

The roadmap was developed on the basis of analyzing the dynamics of indicators, as well as taking into account the needs of each specific family.

A social infrastructure has been created in the Tula region, which includes an extensive network of health care institutions, education, culture, sports and youth policy. In 2021, it is planned to open 9 new kindergartens, the commissioning of a school in the "Seasons", the construction of schools in Tula and Donskoy, the opening of the new building of the Tula regional perinatal center, the covered football player, 25 sports grounds. For families with children, additional education programs are being implemented, individual classes, leisure and sporting events are carried out.

In the region, organizations that promote traditional family values, family clubs and parental associations are operating, as well as the volunteer movement "from the family to the family."

Olga Gremyakova stated that the crisis center for assistance to women will be reformatted in the regional social assistance center family and children.

3 compartments will work in the center:

- stationary branch of the social rehabilitation of women and children;

- the crisis department of aid family;

- Branch "My Family Center", on the basis of which, with the financial participation of the Foundation for the Support of Children in a difficult life situation, the project "Social service" Family dispatching "will be implemented.

The regional center of social assistance to family and children will be the central, coordinating link of the regional family support system. It will unite various, including informational resources.

A variety of system has been created, which allows to improve family living conditions. Young families can improve housing conditions on the "Affordable Housing" program. They are provided with a social payment of 30%, and in the case of the child's birth, it increases by another 5% of the estimated cost of housing to repay a part of the loan or loan or to compensate for their own money for the purchase of housing or the construction of the house. In 2021, this will improve the housing conditions for about 370 families. The federal legislation guarantees the execution of a mortgage loan with a percentage rate of 6% per annum for the entire loan period at the birth of the second and subsequent children. In the Regional Fund for the Development of Housing and Mortgage Lending, you can get loans for the programs "Affordable Housing", "Your Home", "New Building", "Standard" for a period of 3 to 30 years at a rate of 6.25%.

To pay the initial contribution or repayment of the mortgage loan, the means of federal maternal capital can be used. Also for large families for repayment of the mortgage provides for state support in the amount of 450 thousand rubles. At the regional level, at the birth of the third and subsequent child, from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024, regional maternity capital in the amount of 150 thousand rubles was inclusive, which can also be aimed at improving housing conditions. Since last year, many families have the opportunity in return for a land plot to obtain a one-time cash payment of 200 thousand rubles to improve housing conditions.

In order to more efficient use of state support measures to improve housing conditions of families with children, this year will earn a special service based on families with children in this area.

Since 2021, the conditions for the conclusion of social contracts will change in the region. This will increase the size of social benefits and will expand the list of situations under which the social contract can be concluded. Monthly allowance for job search or overcoming a difficult life situation will be over 11,900 rubles. You can get up to 100 thousand rubles at the maintenance of a personal subsidiary farm, and on IP - up to 250 thousand rubles at a time.

Every year, about 370 women are trained in demand in the labor market specialties. Also, free entrepreneurship courses are organized for women with children. About 2 thousand 300 unemployed citizens will be able to undergo vocational training and gain additional education in more than 50 specialties.

When organizing his own business and self-employment, unemployed citizens are provided with a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 118 thousand rubles, in 2021 it will receive 226 people.

For young people under the age of 30, training events on various business competencies are organized, each year of their participants will be at least 500 people.

As the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region, Dmitry Markov, noted, in the field of health care for the next 4 years it is planned to increase the number of adolescents up to 80%. This will form and maintain the reproductive health of the population. The main goal is to 2024 to cover the adult professionals for the protection of reproductive health 52% of the inhabitants of the region. It is almost almost twice as much as this year (about 30%).

In 2020, the dispensarization and vulture of adult inhabitants of the region continued, 32 medical organizations took part in them. About 240,000 people are inspected. 22 190 cases of diseases or 130 cases per 1000 examined were revealed. In the medical institutions of the region, a single day of diagnosis of oncological diseases was introduced. From March 1 to Saturdays, residents will be able to contact their clinic and pass a number of surveys. So, women are 18 years old and older can pass the analysis to identify the signs of cancer of reproductive organs, the patients over 40 will receive a direction for mammography. Men 40 years older examine on the subject of pathologies in the intestines, 45 years and older - to identify the markers of prostate cancer.

In the Tula region, 29 schools have been created for pregnant women. Their goal is to help future mothers to prepare for the upcoming birth, teach them to care for a child. Addresses and phone numbers of schools for pregnant women are on the website of the Ministry of Health:

In the next 4 years, it is planned to increase the proportion of women pregnant women in the first child and trained in the school of pregnant women, from 35 to 70%.

In all 34 children's clinics of the region, a new model of a medical organization is being introduced. This is an open and polite registry, reducing the waiting time in the queue, simplifying the recording on the reception to the doctor, a decrease in paper documentation, comfortable conditions for the patient in the expectation zones, understandable navigation. This allows you to improve the quality and availability of medical care for residents, reduce the load on personnel by increasing the efficiency of the institution.

It is planned to expand the practice of Eco. Now 756 marital couples are at dispensary accounting for male and female infertility. In 2021, the amounts in the amount of 600 ECO procedures are determined.

Timely detection of diseases in the early stages of the fetus development - the task of perinatal diagnostics. Every year Tula pediatrician doctors, neonatologists are trained in field seminars. By 2024 it is planned to study 85 specialists annually in simulation centers.

Also this year the construction of a new perinatal center for 140 beds is completed. It was started in 2019 at the initiative of Governor Alexey Dumin. It will be possible to push premature babies with low and extremely low body weight.

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