Bon Appetit! Baby breakfasts who like everyone


Breakfast is the most important meal, it is known. In no case should it be missed. During breakfast, we get energy for the whole day. For a child, it is especially important for breakfast to be useful, balanced and, of course, delicious.

If you ended the ideas than surprising and please the child, take advantage of our selection.

Color whipped manna porridge

Without porridge, nowhere, but sometimes the child wants to start with her day, you need to revise a little.

You will need:

200 g fresh or ice cream berries

4 tablespoons of semolina

5 tablespoons of sugar

400 milliliters of water

pinch of vanilla sugar

a pinch of salt

Berries abyss, put in the pan and boil water. Put the saucepan on fire and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar and cook another 10 minutes on slow fire.

The flow of berry syrup, bringing to a boil and a thin ridge to rub a semolina camp, while stirring syrup.

Break porridge on slow fire 5-7 minutes before thickening, stirring constantly. At the end, add vanilla sugar.

Finished porridge with a mixer to puff.

You can decorate berries, but without it, a colored magnificent porridge, similar to a pink cloud, will definitely like the child.

Alex Green / Pexels
Alex Green / Pexels Aerial Fried

Another unusual option of the usual dish.

You will need:

2 eggs

A drop of lemon juice

Salt, grated cheese and greenery

Separate proteins from yolks and bumps proteins with salt and lemon juice to get thick foam.

Whipped squirrels put on the pan so that it turns out a hill. At the top of the slide make a deepening and flowing there with grated cheese.

Put the proteins into the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake 5 minutes.

Get the protein slide out of the oven, gently put in the deepening of yolk and yelling another 3 minutes.

Ready dish Sprinkle with greens.

Anna Prosekova / Pixabay
Anna Prosekova / Pixabay Curd Bangs

You will need:

500 g of cottage cheese

2 eggs

4 tablespoons of sugar

2 tablespoons of semolina

2 tablespoons flour

50 g of dried fruits or candied

a pinch of salt

Cottage cheese and smeasham with semolina. Add one egg, a second egg protein, salt, sugar and dried fruits. All mix well.

Add flour and mix once again and leave a mixture of minutes by 10.

From the resulting cottage cheese mixture, roll a bunker and lay out them on the baking sheet, lubricated with butter or covered with special parchment for baking.

The remaining yolym wedge koloboki.

Put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 15-20 minutes.

PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay.
PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay Mini Pizza

Pizza love, probably all children. Here is a special breakfast option.

You will need:


olive oil

1 egg

Short cheese

1 Tomato

shrimps, chicken, sausages or something else that you want to put on your pizza

salt, pepper, greenery

Peet lubric olive oil. In a circle, lay out filling: chopped tomato, shrimp, chicken or sausages. In the middle neatly, the egg, sustain, sprinkle with pepper, greens and cheese.

Send Pete in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Alex Green / Pexels
Alex Green / Pexels

Photo by August de Richelieu: pexels

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