How thin Sophia Ernst - Spouse Konstantina Ernst


The charming young wife of the CEO of the First Channel Director of Konstantina Ernst Sofia Zaica is a mother of three children. At the same time, a 32-year-old actress remains elegant and slim - the childbirth of her wonderful figure does not spoil.

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Sophia and Konstantin Ernst

Ernst's wife does not reveal how much extra kilograms scored for a third pregnancy. It is known only that the actress managed to get rid of them quickly.

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Sophia Ernst on a red carpet

In the autumn, the shooting of the next season of the scandalous series "Descriptions", where Sofya plays one of the main roles. The film is known for its provocativeness and a large number of frank scenes, and the actress's time was in the edge. It was urgent to return to the "Dobanent Weight" that Sophia did.

How thin sofya zaica

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Sophia Ernst

The first thing that the spouse of Ernsta did - began to run regularly. The actress has repeatedly admitted that it best helps to fight for an excess weight. Fat deposits burn quickly and without trace, the muscles come into tone, the blood circulation is improved, the metabolism is normalized and accelerated.

However, it should be remembered that you can not run. Running has many contraindications. Among them: obesity, congenital heart disease, mitral stenosis, insufficiency of blood circulation, heart rate disorders, thrombophlebitis of lower extremities, recovery period after operations, ITRs, recently transferred strokes, infarction, knee injuries, spine and ankle joints, varicose veins, joint problems, Frequent headaches, age older than 50 years. Also consult with the doctor must, if the last time you ran at the school of physical education at school.

The second important component of weight loss has become the right nutrition. Sophia refused most of the harmful products. And if she elaved, then gradually. Plus, there were massage courses for sports and healthy nutrition. And the result was not forced to wait long. Sophia Ernst returned his thin Maiden Talia in just six months.

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Sophia Ernst

In addition, on the removals of the film "On the edge", Sophia met fencing and loved him very much. Perhaps soon she will also take this sport.

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