Mekis: In 2021, the scuder should find a compromise


Mekis: In 2021, the scuder should find a compromise 1089_1

Ferrari's sports director Laurent Mekis, communicating with fans during the video conferencing, called unrealistic hopes to join the fight for the winning championship already in 2021, but the team should show what he knows how to act to return to the leader group, because next year Before scudion will stand very ambitious goals.

"2020 was very difficult, and to fight for victory in the championship will be unrealistic, but the team intends to complete the season immediately behind those who will fight for the title," said Mekis. - The task for 2021 is to demonstrate: although the technical regulations remained almost unchanged, Ferrari will be able to return to sufficiently high positions. It will already be a lot.

To overcome the teams of the middle group will be very difficult, but after a heavy previous season, we must put exactly such a goal. But in 2022 it will be a real opportunity to make a jerk forward.

If we talk about the favorites of this championship, although for Mercedes probably it was the worst beginning of the season over the past seven years, in my opinion, they are still ahead of Red Bull Racing. "

When Mecisa asked about the results of tests in Bahrain, he said: "It is important that we fulfilled the program, avoiding serious problems. Charles Lekler and Carlos Sainrs interact well, and the information they provide to the team can allow to develop the necessary technical solutions with an accelerated pace. Our riders have different piloting styles, but at the same time they shared with us the same observations about what needs to be done with the machine to achieve higher speeds.

This season, we must find the right compromise, combining the solution of current tasks with the preparations for the next year. The command will be engaging mainly during the first three or four races, but then the main resources will be aimed at creating a car of 2022 years. However, since the middle of the season you will not see essential technical innovations and on the machines of other commands. "

Source: Formula 1 on

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