Evening Novostroy.ru: Experts advise to hurry with refinancing, Russians are in large mortgage debts, the demand for new buildings went on inclined


In January, the average amount of mortgage issued was a record. Experts warn that this year the Russians will be borrowed and large sums. Also today in Dom.rf told whether to expect a decrease in rates on housing loans. Read about this and other news in the digest of February 26.

Record loans. The average mortgage check in Russia in January for the first time exceeded 3 million rubles, analysts of the Bureau of the Ekvifax credit stories. The amount of 11.6% more than was in the same month of 2020. The growth of average check before record values ​​is due to an increase in real estate prices to buy an apartment borrowers have to take a loan for a large amount. Experts predict that citizens will take into debt among banks to buy apartments further more money. The rise in real estate prices though slowed down, but did not stop at all, while the incomes of people fell over the past year. By the end of the 2021, analysts say, the average amount of loans will increase by another 7%. The number of overdue payments on the mortgage is also expected ...

Buying with burden. In Moscow, by 15% over the past three years, the number of transactions with apartments in the pledge of banks have increased, analysts of the real estate agency "Miel" say. This property for which sellers did not pay off a mortgage. As experts say, this is explained by two reasons. The first: due to the increase in housing prices, there was also a loan period, people who took the mortgage for 30 years, decided to change the place of residence after some time, and they did not have time to pay off the debts. The second reason: the country is growing in the country the number of overdue payments for mortgage, people cannot pay debt due to falling income and are forced to sell real estate. If earlier cases of sales of apartments with burdensions were single, now it becomes ubiquitous practice.

It is worth hurry. The potential for further reducing mortgage rates has been exhausted, the head of the analytical center "Dom.rf" Mikhail Goldberg said. The middle rate on the primary market is 5.86%. This mortgage rates will soon grow earlier stated in the central bank. Experts warn borrowers that need to be accelerated with refinancing existing loans.

"The nearest meeting of the Central Bank is scheduled for March 19. But as long as the sharp increase in the number of applications for refinancing is not observed. If the announced increase in the key rate will be, then refinancing is better to do in the coming months. Sharply to the promised 6% per annum will not raise, but a gradual increase may be, "says the General Director of the Bon Tone Real Estate Agency Natalia Kuznetsov.

New buildings lose buyers. In January, the number of transactions in the primary market of Moscow fell by 49.4% compared with December 2020. Analysts say it was expected. First, traditionally in January there is a decline in demand due to long vacation. Secondly, the majority of citizens who planned to purchase accommodation did it last year before price increases. According to experts, booming boom, as was in the 2020th, this year will not be, despite the effect of a preferential mortgage.

Apartments for the rich. In 2020, the average value of the "square" in the elite new buildings of the capital increased by 30%, stated in the real estate agency Tweed. At the same time, despite the fall in the demand for real estate at the beginning of the year, the sellers do not intend to slow down prices. As they say in Tweed, housing buyers have become accustomed to a constant increase in cost, so new projects overlook the elite market with high prices. In the future, by the end of the year, luxury real estate will rise in price by another 20%. It should be noted that the housing of budget segments will not grow in price, analysts note. In the real estate market, the Comfort-, business class competition is much more competition than in the elite segment. A large number of players in the market does not give the sellers to "decide" prices too high with declining demand. By the end of the year, "non-elite" apartments rise in price by about 10%.

Evening Novostroy.ru: Experts advise to hurry with refinancing, Russians are in large mortgage debts, the demand for new buildings went on inclined 10885_1
In January, the number of transactions in the primary market of Moscow fell by 49.4%

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