Mediocre and empty. Funny Volochkov lowered from heaven to earth


Finally, the former Ballerina Volochkova returned to the scene, but only not as you expected. There are no more ballet packs - it is time for vocal accomplishments with the song "one".

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Anastasia Volochkova after speech

Prima is sure that a talented man is talented in everything that musical critics do not believe. Evgeny Babichev, a professional, believes that it is impossible to have time and there, and there.

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Anastasia Volochkova with ballet bundle

The expert believes that the performance of Anastasia Volochkova turned out to be mediocre and empty. Such musical compositions have already been outlined and no longer cling to the sophisticated viewer.

All these stories when a person is professional in one genre and tries himself in another - this is practically in 80% of cases, it happens. Something tells me that nothing will happen

- Babichev expressed.

The critic even made the assumption that his hit ballerina performed under the phonogram. He understood it at first glance, only seeing excerpts from the speech of the ex-ballerina.

The song "One" of the wonderful poet and composer Alexei @alekseymalakhov I performed today in Vegas. Thanks to the heart @elena_galitsyna_ for the costume and image. And for friendship. Every day I have some beautiful creative driving and I am very happy. # Anastasiyevochachkova # ballet # Russia # Moscow # spring # joy # love # beauty # sport #enjoy #love

Original (Volochkova_Art)

The second nuance, surprisingly a musical expert, was how Volochkova behaved on stage. From the ballerina, it was possible to expect the grace, the perfect feeling of rhythm ... But the actress was confused and could not move. It seemed that the prima was first turned out to be on the scene. Anastasia itself did not comment on the musical debut and only announced the frames made during the conflicting speech.

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Anastasia Volochkova

She is lucky at least in love. Recently Volochkova congratulated Oleg's beloved happy birthday. It is clear why she with Oleg is so good - she revealed the briefness of their personal life in an interview with Kudryavtseva. Volochkova, without unnecessary modesty, introduced into a stupor Kudryavtsev. If Valery is just surprising, then with Sobchak Anastasia gnawing, rudely passing through her figure.

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