Earthquake magnitude More than 7 points happened near Fukushima

Earthquake magnitude More than 7 points happened near Fukushima 1088_1

The shores of Japan had a strong earthquake, as a result of which tens of people were injured, and many buildings were left without electricity. According to the country's meteorological agency, the epicenter was located at the east coast of Fukushima Prefecture at a depth of about 60 kilometers, writes, referring to Metro.

Strong underground shoes in Japan

Earthquake of 7.3 points on the Richter scale occurred in Japan around 11 pm local time. It is reported that at least 50 people were injured and more than 950,000 houses remained without electricity.

Underground shocks occurred not far from the epicenter of the 2011 earthquake, which caused Tsunami and took the lives of more than 18,000 people. It also led to a nuclear accident at Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant - the most serious in the world since the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986. The Japanese meteorological agency stated that these underground shocks are Aftershok that earthquake.

Strong shocks shook the buildings in many cities in the eastern part of the country and even in the capital of Japan. However, warnings about the tsunami from the authorities did not receive. But, despite the assurances of officials, many coast inhabitants leave their homes, fearing the consequences of the earthquake.

A multitude of videos and photos appeared on the network, on which not only the consequences of a disaster are visible, but also how much shook the building.

It is worth noting that the earthquakes are common in Japan, one of the most seismically active regions of the world. The country of the rising sun accounts for about 20 percent of earthquakes in the world by 6 points and more.

And not so long ago, the strong earthquake occurred in Indonesia. Unfortunately, there is a natural disaster that has taken the lives of dozens of people.

Main photo: pexels

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