How to juggle


At first glance, juggling may seem very simple. But as soon as we try to repeat it, the balls immediately appear on the floor. To learn how to juggle, you need to know the right technique, develop muscle memory, and also be able to concentrate to catch the balls and not to get back from the rhythm.

Today in "Take and do" we will teach you to juggle with a cascade using 3 goals. When you master this simple technique, you can go to other ways of juggling and more complex tricks.

Step number 1: Train with one ball

1. Take the right body position

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  • Put your feet on the width of the shoulders. Bend your hands at the elbows at an angle of 90 °. Elbows press to the body.
  • Slightly bend legs in the knees. They must slightly spring, helping you to catch the balls.

2. Feel comfortable, just throwing and catching the ball

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  • Take the ball and throw it out of one hand to another. For this, no special technique is needed. Your task is to feel comfortable, aware of the weight of the ball and feel it in your hand.
  • Try to maintain the right position of the body, but at this stage do not worry about it. Focus on throwing and catching the ball.

3. Determine the target points

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  • To juggle correctly, you need to define target points - points in space where you will throw your balls.
  • When you throw the ball, you should aim in one of two points located above your shoulders. You can pull out your hands up, and then the points will be about at the level of your fingers.
  • When you throw the ball with his right hand, you need to go to the left point. And vice versa.

4. Focus on the right movements

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  • When you catch the ball, your brush should be slightly set aside.
  • Take up and catch the ball again and again.
  • Make sure you throw the ball high enough.

Step number 2: Train with 2 balls

1. Learn to juggle 2 balls at the same time

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  • Take on the ball in every hand. Start with throwing the ball, which is in the driving hand. You must mark the target point we discussed in the previous step.
  • When the ball declares until the target point and starts falling, throwing the second ball, directing it to the second target point. Try to throw the balls to the same height.

For example, you are right-hander. This means that you need to start tossing the ball with the right hand, trying to get into the left target point. When the ball reaches the left target point and starts falling, throwing the ball, which is in your left hand, on the right target point.

2. Make sure you do not pass the ball from one hand to another

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  • Do not fraud, throwing the ball from one hand to another at the bottom. Both goals should reach the same height.
  • If you can't drop the second ball, start juggling with a native hand.
  • You can also help yourself, repeating loudly, what to do: "Throw, throw, catch, catch!"
  • Practice is the key to success. Try different combinations, start with different hands. The main thing here is to stick to the permanent rhythm and do not throw the balls too high.

Step number 3: Train with 3 goals

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  • Take 2 goals in the lead hand and 1 ball in another hand. Place one ball in the palm of the leading hand, and the other is closer to the fingers.
  • You must start with throwing balls, as described in the 2nd step, but now that the 2nd ball begins to fall, you must drop the 3rd ball, trying to get into the target point.
  • Continue to throw up the balls until you can do it as much as you want. When you threw the 3rd ball, you immediately need to throw the next ball - as soon as he falls into your hand. You can not have 2 goals in one hand, with the exception of the starts and end of juggling.

Common mistakes

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  • If the balls fly too far and you have to move to catch them, then you probably throw them up, and go ahead. Focus on target points. You can also try to train at the wall to improve your technique.
  • If the balls are too close to the body, then, most likely, you throw them back.
  • If the muscular memory prevents you from throwing the ball, try to start juggling with a native hand.
  • In addition, try to focus on the right technique. Do not attempt to catch the balls. Your task is to help the brain and muscles remember the nature of the movement. Give balls to fall on the floor. Gradually, start catching first 1, then 2 goals. In the end, you must catch all the balls.

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