About seven thousand kilometers passed in Nizhny Novgorod hunting farms during the "census" of wild animals

About seven thousand kilometers passed in Nizhny Novgorod hunting farms during the

From January 15 to February 28 in the Nizhny Novgorod region, winter route accounting (CMM) hunting animals is held. The state-owners, hunting users and hunters have passed for about seven thousand kilometers during the accounting of the number of hunting resources, the head of the Committee for the Protection, the Use and Reproduction of the Nizhny Novgorod region Nikolai Bondarenko said.

"Monitoring the number of hunting animals allows you to competently determine the limits on their production, without prejudice to the population, and also understand which kinds need help, where you need to create reproduction sections with a hunting restriction or where you need to increase the lore," Nikolai Bondarenko explained.

The head of the State Committee of the State Networks clarified that more than ten species of numbers are carried out in the region. The main type of accounting is winter route accounting.

"For winter accounting, regular employees of the State Protection Committee, hunting users are involved, experienced hunters, well-wearing animal traces," added in the department.

The Committee noted that in order to attract hunting hunting resources in the region, a plan for conducting biotechnical activities in publicly available hunting grounds was developed, within which the hunters participate in conducting measures for the bait of wild animals, on accounting the number of hunting resources and to regulate the lifetime of the wolf in publicly available Hunting grounds (OO) of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

About seven thousand kilometers passed in Nizhny Novgorod hunting farms during the

Motivate hunters preferential permits for hunting in the Oo. According to the State StudyTrajor, in 2020, 70% of preferential permits for the extraction of valuable species were played among hunters who fulfilled biotechnical measures.

By the way, on February 14, the day of St. Martyr Trifon is a patron of hunters and fishermen.

"I wish you all a successful hunting, excellent Kleva, natural fuss, dexterity and iron grip," Nikolai Bondarenko added.

Earlier it was reported that the program "Protection of the animal world of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" operates in the region, the new edition of which is approved by Gubernator Gleb Nikitin. The term of the activities - from 2018 to 2021. The purpose of the program is to ensure the preservation, reproduction and rational use of the objects of the animal world and their habitat.

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