"In my handbag, there is always a tanner, cream for hands, napkins and perfume. I have a disorder of food behavior. " Real stories of Belarus


Every 52 minutes in the world, one person dies with the disorder of food behavior. The mortality rate of the affected RPP is one of the highest among people with psychiatric diseases. But, no matter how strange it sounds, the stomach is not guilty here - problems in the head. We listened to the stories of people who had soles, and asked a psychologist about what the desire could look good and like others.

To begin with, we will understand in terminology: disorder of food behavior (RPP) is a mental problem, which leads to a disruption of food intake. The most famous types of this disorder are anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating. Often these disorders appear together or replace each other.

"The heart almost risen from the" blatant Sunday "." History Anastasia

Bulimia is a disorder with the attacks of overeating and expressed anxiety regarding weight control. Bulimics produces a kind of food style: after meals, they cause vomiting or take laxatives and diuretic drugs.

Anastasia 25 years, 5 of them she lived with Bulimia. The girl realized that she was uncomfortable to be in full body in the school, and in the eighth grade she had already sat down not the first diet.

- My first diet began with a height of 160 centimeters and weigh 68 kilograms. Then I ate one grapefruit per day. I was always steamged that I was not as slender as other girls, I thought that my mind and beauty would not consider because of the figure. Already at the university, when there was a preparation for the graduation, thought came to my head: you need to be cleaned. It was my first specially caused vomit ...

The danger of Bulimia is that you think that you control the situation, herself decides when you causing vomiting. But it's all to some time.

The weight fell from 68 kilograms to 52, I could have anything and how much - for example, for one meal eating a stalking bread with jam, he was honesting with half pasta with ketchup, scoring the stomach as much as possible, and then blazed. He went to the store for meals and glared again. In the weekend I could have ten challenges of vomiting, that is, 90% of the time when I wake up, I blame.

In case of calling vomiting (and this could happen everywhere), I have always had a tumer, a cream for hands, napkins and perfume.

Health was undermined: the hands were energized with the gastric acid and scratched with teeth (since each time it was necessary to shove them deeper and deeper), near the mouth was redness (which was not cleaned with a tone), began to crumble her teeth, the hair fell out, the face was covered with acne, and Even the fainting.

Thoughts in the head were such: "So you walked, it will remain in you, you will become fat, you will not fit into one pants." And this manic idea lives in your head, and you tormented yourself while in the stomach there will be only gastric juice. Once, after the next "blatant Sunday," my heart almost stopped. I could not stand on my feet, fell out of bed, barely got to the phone and called specialists. Just cried and asked to help me. Then I realized that I could die.

Now the heroine completely got rid of the disease, and it is divided into its history in order to give the hope of people who fell into a similar misfortune, and show that it is possible to recover.

"The dependence on the laxative preparation appeared." History Victoria

Anorexia is a deliberate and not justified from the point of view of physiological weight loss by diets, starvation and / or increased physical exertion. Anorexikov has a distorted perception of his body: with a critical low weight, they consider themselves fat.

Victoria 20 years old, with a disorder of food behavior, a girl lives seven of them. It all started at 13, when the sister sues the heroine to the public "Typical anorexic".

- Sister compared photos from a public with my figure, said: "You have thicker's legs, a lot more." This group imposed weight loss, diet and hunger. I became more and more to hang in this public, while it began to look for your own shortcomings. Then my growth was 168 centimeters, and the weight is 53 kilograms. At the age of 14, I participated in weight loss marathons, constantly compared myself with those who were thinning me. The obsessive thoughts about weight loss became greater - it led to compulsive oversights, I have reached three packs of chips, a kilogram of ice cream in principle with rolls and raw dough. It was not physical hunger, but psychological.

For the month I recovered to 65 kilograms. I remember when I went to ride a motorcycle with friends, I did not recognize and said that I was like a pig and that if you had a motorcycle, he would fall apart. That evening, I decided that I needed to do something, and sat on the AD diet, calculated for 90 days, 10 of which is starvation, and in the remaining 80 day caloric content does not exceed 500 kilocalories.

My goal in weight was 45 kilograms - I thought that then my life would change dramatically. She changed: Dystrophy appeared. The hair began to fall out, stretch marks around the body appeared, there was a constant weakness, I fainted, began to take a laxative (now the heroine has a dependence on the drug. - Note. Onliner), and then I miss my monthly.

I always understood: it is abnormal. It was hoping that parents would record me somewhere or bring to the doctor. But everyone closed her eyes. Mom said: "I thought you could cope with myself. I told you: Eat! " The root of my problem is that I did not love myself and always wanted to be better than others. But only now I understand: To love yourself, you do not need some weight or figure.

"Breakfast started at 10:00 and ended at 17:00." History of Irina

Compulsive overeating is a loss of control over meal: a person who does not feel feelings of hunger, eats a huge amount of food, mainly during stress and in a short period.

The trouble does not come alone: ​​along with the cancellation of the long-awaited wedding, in addition to the experiences and search for new housing, the obstacles remained in life for a long time.

- It all started during severe stress. Then I didn't want to eat at all, and I forced myself. Weight at that time was 62 kilograms, growth - 169 centimeters. When stress left, the weight began to add, and to maintain the form, I sat on the diet. I constantly thought about what I would be the next day.

On the weekend I moved very much - to pain in the stomach. These compulsive overeating began: my breakfast started at ten in the morning and ended at five pm. Just sweeping everything that was in the refrigerator. And if I wanted to eat at night, I knew all 24-hour shops in the district. Relatives lived far away, friends did not think that this is something important, and depreciated. Ask for help was not anyone.

To understand the state of a person with RPP, we give infographics in which the heroes gave evaluation to their state, where: 0 - there is no symptom; 1 - the symptom is poorly expressed; 2 - the symptom is moderately expressed, stable, wears a painful character for the hero; 3 - the symptom is strongly pronounced, the hero cannot or does not want to exit this state.

"For five years I only thought about food." History Valeria

Valeria has always been the ideal of the figure - her cousin, whose weight was 55 kilograms. The heroine sought to this figure. But, loses, the girl realized that instead of changing the life for the better, there were problems with their heads.

- In the seventh grade I had obesity, and I decided to lose weight. First it was proper nutrition, I did not eat sweet and fastofud. The result is minus 25 kilograms for six months. And so I reached the cherished figure - what's next? Life has not changed. The weight of the time began to return. I had a fear of food, I thought that if you were experiencing extra, waking up Tolstoy. Total starting from the seventh grade and until today it was a month three, when I did not think about food: what is there, how much calories are here. Constantly weighed before and after eating, right every day and, if the weight added, hated himself. These thoughts do not go to this day.

Psychologist: "Weight does not affect the level of happiness"

A professional psychologist with a 12-year experience Maria Bushilo helped in a situation.

"If a person belonged to himself for many years, he would not be able to take himself with the go. But this is possible. First you need to designate the area of ​​the problem, those areas where a person does not accept himself, does not like, condemns. Then trace the reasons from childhood and to work out this emotional experience, at the same time growing themselves. Learning to take your mistakes and transform them to experience, rely on our advantages, praise yourself, be in contact with your values ​​so that there is a sense of realization. But without the development of negative emotional experience and negative limiting beliefs about themselves, the remaining items will not be effective.

As for the RPP, this is the most dangerous mental disease, as about 20% of the persecution of anorexia die from serious changes in the internal organs, depletion or resort to suicide from the sensation of hopelessness. For patients with disorder of food behavior, food is primarily an emotional regulator, which is used to relax, calm. Why people appear this disorder, no one will say. Many patients say that in childhood they were criticized or paid little attention, therefore, in adolescence, they begin to reduce weight due to the defeat of their own body and low self-esteem. But there are people with exactly the same stories whose disorder has not formed. Therefore, there is no direct link here.

We can only talk about the combination of genetic factors and biological predisposition, such as congenital elevated emotional sensitivity, the rigidity of thinking, a tendency to perfectionism and increased anxiety. Social factors include excessively controlling or, on the contradiction, connoissession and criticizing the style of communicating from others, to psychological - insecurity, discontent with their body, the feeling of inability to control their lives and emotions.

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